It be firsttime u had sex propley and i bled bit how long does it final?
Any suggestions? girls only please.?
you bleed for a moment and only during and somewhat bit after sometimes.
do not be afraid, it's perfectly usual.
and well worth it!
When I'm on my length, why does blood come through my tampon and leak when it's not supposed to?
boo hooNot to be gross at adjectives but when u use lube.?
There isn't really an answer for that. For everyone it's different. I would tell you how long I bled...but I didn't bleed after I lost my virginity.that is normal but it dosnt second for long.
Milk like substance coming from disappeared breast?
it depends ok but me bout 2 dys. its normal ok y u so worried bout thtHelp me what is cure surrounded by my bartholin cyst pls help me.. i dont know what to do now?
A gossamer sheet of tissue with 1 or more holes surrounded by it called the hymen moderately covers the opening of the vagina. Hymens are habitually different from person to character. Most women find their hymens have stretched or torn after their first sexual experience, and the hymen may bleed a touch (this usually causes little, if any, pain). Some women who own had sex don't enjoy much of a change contained by their hymens, though.