Please relieve?
The blood interview I took was 13 days post possible conception and hCg smooth less that 2...
please please please HELP ME!
This have been going on for 7 or 8 weeks.
Can the pill give you migraines?
you cant possibly be pregnant if you be both dressed,and as for having a pulse surrounded by your stomach ,of course you own its yours duh,
Why dont u go see a doctor? That would oblige alot...
- How long after your period can you have O!@? S@@?
- Is it possible for a woman to get pregnant at the end of her cycle?
- Is it my fault or my fiancee's that he cant get me..?
- At what age do you start having mamograms done.?
- Sometimes during the light of day it's rough for me to breathe contained by is this regular?
- Does she know if!!??
- Birth control methods?
- My mother have problems staying sexualy heated