Help on plan B?

I have just this minute started to take birth control pills and stopped for a week, so presently i had sex next to my boyfriend i took plan b, but my question is when can i start to lift birth control pills again. or can i start to take them today after i took plan b.

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You can start taking them right away, although instinctively I might give it a year or so, just because a fiesta number of women find that EC makes them seasick... and if you sick up your birth control pill, you're back to square one.

In any shield, even if you do go on the pill right this second, you still inevitability to use backup b.c (Condoms!) for at least the first week you are on the pill. The plan B just protects you from the sex you've already had... it won't do you any moral for future sex.

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You need to name your doc and have his nurse ask him. Not sure why you stopped the pill for a week but if you are going to own sex you need to be more responsible if you don't want to achieve pregnant. Plan B was designed for emergency situations not for "I stopped taking my pill for a week" type things. You stipulation to stop having sex until you go and get your priorities straightened out.

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this is the type of cross-question you really should ask your doctor or pharmacist. There are waaaay too many wannabe's online to trust an answer for this Important cross-question. Never mess with your hormones lacking a doctors advise .. could be terrifically problematic for you!
All the best.

condoms do work and you can get the species that don't interfere with sensation ..

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