Whats this backache does anybody know?

i hve ovarian cysts but dont know if this has anything to do beside this,ive been getting really awfull pains a moment ago like time of year pains but lot worse my whole body merely feels resembling its that time of the month even tho its not,even my moods have be bad,can anyone assistance me?

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Ths probably wont be much relieve but I am in exactly equal position as you. I have be told that I have cysts but that cannot be cause the amount of pain that I am surrounded by. It is not my appendix. I don't have period as I'm on the depo injection.
I am currently off work and on a distress killer call Tramadol.
Please go to the doctor and push for answers, don't tolerate them fob you off near painkillers. I was told this would facility with time but it is not.
Keep on at your doc for referalls to gynae or doesn`t matter what to find out what is causing your cramp, just don't afford up. I wish somebody have told me this when I first started getting these pains because it is hard to be hear now.
I longing you all the best contained by finding out what this is.

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I don't want to alarm you, but when that happened to me it be my appendix, which was inflamed and needed to be removed.

Please turn to a doctor just surrounded by case, appendicitis can be dangerous if not caught soon adequate.

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Do you have PCOS?

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I have ovarian cysts also, I have to go into the emergency room one morning cuz my stomach be hurting so bad and I be bleeding. They said I have a bunch of little one's but nought to be alarmed about, and in that's nothing they can do for me. I enjoy alot of pains in my stomach, from the middle all the method to my left side, sometimes I can't pace or move it hurts so bad. I can't drink much, and am losing weight cuz of this, but but the dr won't give me any pills or do anything for me, so I"m somehow making it through, most days it feels approaching a ten ton brick is on my stomach with a plunger sharp pain.

Get it checked it's not fun to be surrounded by a lot of cramp

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sounds approaching polycistic ovary syndrome (p.o.s)

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I own had ovarian cysts most of my full-grown life which as a result could never gain pregnant naturally and have to resort to IVF. The pain you are have would happen to me on occurrence and when I mentioned this to my consultant, he told me it was a possibility that I be ovulating. At first I thought no way that couldnt grounds that much pain, but apparently if you are producing a great deal of eggs, the actual "rupture" of them from the ovary can indeed cause such niggle. If this is happening mid- cycle its possible thats what it is. If it continues or your instinct tell you its just not right, see your GP. Hope this help.

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