Are our bodies really as disgusting as we like to deliberate?

Well, to me, my body *is* as disgusting as I think. (Ha ha!) But...I'm womanly! So many of us pick at our flaws and imperfection, no matter how big or little, adjectives of the time, and sometimes we pretty much figure that if we find ourselves so unpleasant, the oppisite sex must also find us unattractive, right?

But my put somebody through the mill for all of you is this: Are our bodies really as disgusting as we approaching to think (to men, especially)? And during the first time I progress to make love next to my fiance, is he going to be completely turned off by the oh, so "horrible" things that form up my body, that he has on the other hand to really see?


Please help!?

My body is as disgusting as I meditate...ask my husband and (wisely) he tells me different. We live within a society that promotes being skinny and that if we're not the right size by their size 0 standards consequently we're fat and revolting and disgusting. It's unfortunate but I'm sure every woman at some point in her existence if not everyday believes that within is something on her body that makes her disgusting. It's simply not true! We adjectives have characteristics that make us unique to us, and that's what our signifcant others topple in love next to.
Don't worry in the order of your fiance finding you disgusting. If he loves you, and it sounds like he does, it's not even going to cross his mind. What he will thought about is that he's next to the woman he loves, and though we don't always contemplate it's true, that is truly how definite men think. Don't be so knotty on yourself, if you are it could potentially put a damper on your first time together because you won't feel okay and that doesn't promote "being within the mood". Just relax, and ease up on yourself, and delight in the experience.

Hey ladies?

we are all out own worst critics. Chances are he won't even perceive the "horrible" things you think you see.

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Occasionally I've get my moments where I look into the mirror and want to cry... I've get rather severe eczema on adjectives of my body, so my skin tends to look horrible (aside from quality horrible). Still, on the days that my eczema is mild I tend to mostly like my body, despite my BMI of 28.5. Hey, here contained by Texas that makes me "average" a bit than "fat". :)

I was more insecure when I be in minor school... I suppose most girls are. Having been married for almost 2.5 years to a husband who like my body shape (not the eczema though) helps also. Not owning a TV might own helped also?

Your fiance will probably be totally cool near your body... unless you wear a burkah he already knows whether you've get a fat or small breasts or such. Plus, surely in that's more to your engagement than your pretty face? For one, the reality that you two are engaged minus having have sex and such first means that he's probably not the most superficial guy (and likelihood are you'll be his first, which really helps I ruminate... My husband had sex near 4 other girls before me and he still think I'm mostly beautiful, so w/e). If a guy think you're disgusting odds are he's gay. <grin> (Unless you really, *really* ARE disgusting... but not abundant people are).

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'm sure your mortal self conscious about things others wouldn't even spy by comparing yourself to those perfect models we see within mags or TV but there made model by makeup and mags use computer enhancement to undertake that so called superlative look if he really loves you he will also love your imperfections because he will enjoy them too, remember love is blind

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