My friend in recent times started smoking...what should I do?

Ok,before you receive the wrong idea I don't smoke myself! I am a manly before those start thinking that I'm a teenage girl.

Yesterday (20th April 07) I caught my friend smoking for the first time. She said that she just this minute started because of all the stress from her AS height studies.(She studies Chemistry,Physics,Maths, ICT and Graphics) I am really really worried about her. She also works at the weekend,but I don't. I thought that she be a lot smarter than this as I see her as a exquisite,smart,hard working girl.(I'm in most of her classes)

I'm stressed as capably but I don't resort to smoking cigarettes!

I am also worried that I'm gonna get overwhelm up by her boyfriend.

So what should I do as a friend?

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give her a strong conversation too , its a filthy habit that drains you of money and affects your form,

why would her boyfriend beat you up ??

oh , tricky 1 mate . hold you talked to her just about this ?

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Start smoking too. Then you can take smoke breaks together, and her boyfriend won't imagine you're such a dork. Who knows...possibly you can start keeping your lunch money too.

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Sounds to me that you enjoy a serious thing for this girl. Beat up her boyfriend? Oh, that would be stupid. EVERYONE know about the danger of smoking. So you are just going transmit her that you don't like nation who smoke, so you two can no longer be friends. And if she chooses the cigarettes over you, then you own your answer and she was never your friend.

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If she's decided to smoke in that probably is not a whole lot you can do.

Short of showing her what a lung looks similar to on the inside after smoking for years.

Let me explain who nicotine works. It's two fold. It picks you up and mellows you out at impossible to tell apart time. This is one of the reasons it's so difficult to quit.

While you are handling your stress she may be more anxious that you and the nicotine will aid her calm down.

So why does her bf want to hammer you up? You are just a friend...

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Tell her parents if her health is more meaningful to you than the friendship. Otherwise you might try downloading pictures of what smoking does to your body. Here's a good site, nearby are thousands more.

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keep up yor studies she knows you disapprove
and why would her boy friend thrash you up

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take her to the nearest clinic and show her adjectives the people that lost their voice boxes and adjectives the cancer patients due to smoking...then ask her to night light up.if she does there is no hope for her.i longing u all the luck !!

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Well since she is grown I would basically leave her alone because you can't really enlighten grown people what to do. It is a terribly addictive and smoking is very disagreeable but if she wants to smoke in attendance is nothing that you can really do to stop her.

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I quit 4-1/4 years ago after about 34-1/2 years of smoking.

I touch so much better, and I'm healthier than a great deal of people partially my age.

Tell her it's a dumb thing to do to her body, and the faster she quits the easier it will be.

After that, it's up to her.

Any one know whats wrong?

good that you don't smoke.
i imagine you should tell her what can seriously occur to her, like the more you smoke the worst it is when you quit (such as nausea and etc.) also the together lung cancer thing, i have a relative die from that.

Basically tell her what you reflect. If she refuses after it's her problem.

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I used to smoke, and when people would degrate me because of it or try to breed me feel stupid, it'd do zilch at all.
If she's smart, she'll realize that smoking isn't worth it on her own.
If she quits for the wrong cause (like trying to please her friends or family) she'll start up again or just verbs to hide it.

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find a picture of a deseased lung and show it too her, i know seeing a deseased lung stopped my grandad from smoking so it might stop her

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Just be there for her. It's not for you to intercede her.


Absolutely nothing - you can donate her your opinion (which she is unlikely to thank you for) and beyond that its not your business. Work on yourself don't try to work others over.

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If she wants to smoke theres not abundantly you can do about it, excluding make her aware of the danger and hope she comes to her senses.
However, just becase she smokes, doesn't stingy shes a bad human being or shes going to turn into one. I work 2 jobs along beside going to college full time, I sat 5 highers (A levels) at university last year and get 4 A's and a B, but i smoke. It doesn't make any difference, shes not going to go onto drugs or anything, and shes not suddenly going to turn into a loafer.

Just tell her your worried roughly speaking her and make her aware of the danger of smoking. Its all you can do as a friend, she have to make her own decision

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Tell her to quit the fags whilst the going is good. Not so assured when you have smoked for awhile. Just ask her if she requests to have nice skin, hackle, make the most of what she have studied for. Or does she want to suffer really bad next to lung trouble-not be able to soak up life.

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