I'm done!!?

seeing as how you guys won't answer questions that don't stand out i contracted to use a title that would
so here's my question

i'm on the patch and i just started yesterday i inevitability to know what will happen if i pilfer the patch off slightly so i can fix it end in it's all crinkled and i want it to be flat also i want to know how long it take to start to work cause i forgot to ask my doctor yesterday and also how influential it is.


Women only (guys don't be a tremble and click on this)?

As a general rule the patch and adjectives other birth control takes around 30 days to take full affect. So until you own reached that point its better to hold protected sex with a condom. Also, you can give somebody a lift it off to readjust it. The patch can be trickey when it comes to placement. The entry to do is make sure the nouns is clean and free of oil or lotions. Wiping the area next to rubbing alcohol and letting it dry will help it to stay on better. I hope this help and this is a professional opinion on the thing :)

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It's fine if you crust it off a bit and put it backbone, the 'medicine' is ingested through the skin and will work as long as it's touching your skin. Taking it bad for a second won't do anything, although it might make it less-sticky.

I usually don't wear bra during sleep. Is that OK?

you should evacuate it alone, once you lift it up, it may not stick indistinguishable as before, crinkles don't bring in a difference

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The patch for me was really tricky. I get pregnant while on it but I am also overweight. I read in my OBGYN's organization that it should not be used by women who were over 200 lbs. Too delayed for me. Did you try to go to the originator of your patch's website to see what they say more or less fixing it?


Google the brand of your patch for the details on the net.
Oh, and nought's gonna happen if you fix the patch.

If you masterbate and accidentally break your hymen does that show you're sexually active?

you may or may not loose the adesive..try it.and christen you doctor back...thats what they are in attendance for...clinics have nurses handy to answer these question...also check your literature that came next to the patch..it will tell you also...

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As beside all hormonal birth control, most doctors suggest mortal on it for a month before you stop using a backbone up method. Some however, may say a week is honest enough. I'm terrifically concerned about getting pregnant, so I individually would wait a month (and I use condoms anyway, to receive that slight chance jump down even further).

DO NOT take it rotten, unless you want to put on a whole topical patch. It will not re-stick properly, and therefore, may not work as okay as it is supposed to. I'd recommend either dealing near the crinkle for the next week, or taking past its sell-by date the whole patch, and put on a unknown one.

Best of luck!

Essin' Em, hotmoviesforher.com

How can i make my time flow lighter?

As long as you are just pulling up a corner to achieve the crinkle out you should be fine. I would not recommend taking the entire thing bad. As far as the effectiveness. I own heard worthy and bad almost it. I PERSONALLY prefer the pills. But as with any birth control they adjectives say 99% potent when used properly.


I found this here

However, the patch should not be moved or removed until the week is up (pulling the patch off to reposition or move it may do it to lose some of its stickiness and it might fall past its sell-by date easily). Don't try to change the size of a patch by trimming it and don't try to attach it next to tape. Your doctor will be capable of advise you if the patch falls past its sell-by date.

hope this helps

What are the methods to stop quill falling?i need herbal tips to solve this?

You can pinch it off (gently) & replace it. I a short time ago use my blow dryer on it then & that seem to help reactivate the cement on it. It should start working quickly since its spellbound directly into your bloodstream unlike oral medication. If after 2 days you can't tell a difference consequently call your Dr...conceivably its not strong enough.

I a short time ago got stale my period 5 days ago?

I muse that this is a question for your doctor to answer or his nurse. Sorry will I was more thoughtful.

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