So if 7 inches is considered big?

because, well, it's over an inch above average and inside the 90th percentile of all sizes, what is 6 1/2" considered?

Now previously you say something close to "7 INCHES ISNT EVEN THAT BIG", go look at a ruler. Lots of girls (and apparently guys too) enjoy a warped perception on size and when they ruminate of a "7 incher" they often estimate a size smaller than that because a guy who they have sexual relations with lied by an inch. It have been documented within countless surveys that average size is between 5 1/2" and 6".

Because of said things, do you think girls will regard 6 1/2" is 7", which they then would consider above average within size, even if just by not too much?

Is it because im slimish?

If its too long it could hurt anyways simply sluts care in the region of that! And if a girl makes fun of you, net fun of her boobs! <3 Melanie

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If I love you do I effort..?

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i agree 7 is big. most guys hold a penis 3-5 inches. you are lucky.

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yah i see what you're saying. capably i guess 7 is a bit above average. i would consider that fairly big but not approaching OMFG! big. OMFG big is like 9 or 10 inches. lol. so yah 7 is pretty big

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Only sluts strictness about size! If a girl loves you she won't consideration.

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More than a mouthful is a waste.

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