Yasmin have a diuretic?

Does Yasmin have anything to do next to my frequent urination? I just read something on here roughly speaking Yasmin containing a diuretic, which makes you pee more commonly.

I've been have problems with frequent urination pretty much since I started Yasmin this second month. I asked this question in the past, but I didn't get a suitable answer. Please help me out! This is driving me crazy!

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Yasmin contains two hormones.
The estrogen component is ethinyl estradiol, alike as what is in almost adjectives oral contraceptives.
The progesterone component is drospironone. This is dervived from spironolactone, and is different from what is in other pills (which contain progesterone that comes from testosterone).
Spironolactone does hold a diuretic effect, although very few women are effect by the small amount that is within the drospironone.

I would make a follow-up appointment beside your clinician. It's not urgent or dangerous, but is patently very annoying to you. S/he will want to rule a bladder infection (not feasible, if you are having no discomfort; and you noticed these symptoms right after starting the pills). While nearby are many advantages to Yasmin, if you are have these side effects, it probably is not the best pill for you.

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I've be on yasmin for 3 years, and have no side effects. I've tried probably 10 different birth control pills, the patch, and the shot. I have bad side effects on adjectives of them except yasmin. Everybodys different. Talk to your Dr. and they should keep trying you on different pills until they find one that does not hold bad side effects for you . It may lug a while but you'll find something that works for you.

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you may want to discuss with your condition care provider as body chemistry vary from person to character, some may be sensitive to an ingredient while others aren't, yasmin includes a warning for those near renal insufficiency's, type in yasmin on your search tool and read product info located at the totally top of the page, hope this helps!

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