How old-fashioned were you when you have the period natter?


What's the best way to lose counterweight?

I was contained by 3rd grade



Girls? interval question?

6th category, I started when I went into 7th so it be perfect timing for me.

How can I formulate the bloating go down?

I be in 4-5th level and never got it until category 7 so i was
well prepared


like 5th- 6th level

A question for the women?

i be like 6 or 7, i saw my mum buying pad and i asked what are they for.

She explained to me everything as she didn't want me growing up not knowing about it and next getting the fright of my life when i did obtain it.. because that is what happen to her

Does being weigh with shoes on produce a difference?


Should i be concerned?

Well, I had it at college when I was surrounded by 4th grade, but never really have the talk beside my mom until right before I started my extent right after my 12th birthday.

Girls only?


Pls boyfriend has some problems near stomach and his doctor told him no to eat anything for 10 days.?

I never get one...thanks mom! Wasn't freaked out though, I leraned from my friends and sex ed..yay.

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