Please backing i only found out i own a functional cyst ! (girls only)?

Ok so i went to my gyno because i hadnt started but be cramping really bad i took a pregnancy oral exam and it came out positive but when i get a blood test done it be negitive come to find out i have a functional cyst!! Im really anxious. Will this keep me from getting pregnant? Not that i want kids very soon but for later mention. Please help

Answers:    Read should lend a hand you. They won't affect you getting pregnant in the adjectives.
relax, thingds should be fine no it wont stop you from having kids. i have one. they come right before your interval and then when your time of year comes on, they burst and go away. they will come and move about. sometimes they disappear for years. just bring back your weight down if you are overweight. get hold of plenty of exercise. being overweight can contribute to it but not other. becareful that you limit your fatty foods. your diet have a great deal to do beside it.

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