I don't like my body, help out! :-(?


I really like this guy, and he is so sweet. The item is i hate my body :( i'm 24, and never really `got it on` next to a man before. I hold tried with one guy, but terminated up chickening out of it. I have stretchmarks on my upper arms, lower than my boobs/tummy, on the backs of my legs, and i merely feel horrible. i guess im somewhat over weight buy one stone. if i exercised, would my stretchmarks dance away?. I just don't want to get hold of close to this guy as i feel so unconfident :(

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Calm down and whip a realistic look at existence for what it really is and not Hollywood's bull s**t. Look around you ar the ' big old gals' who are ecstatically married and enjoying go day and darkness and I repeat at night. I am optimistically married to a woman overweight by thirty pounds who stands four foot eleven inches tall. I love her to the morning I die and have no problem beside her weight or stretch results which she has a profusion of. Take a lesson here and don't let duration pass you by!

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Beauty is skin vast not on the outside and most men want a meal not a snack (alittle weight) anf if anyone( the guys are interested they will not prudence hey you never know he may be small also but it is not the size it is the act

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sad to right to be heard but strecth marks will not walk away if you loose weight, at hand are laser treatments you can have that will lessen the appearnce of them, but thats in the region of it. and honestly, if the guy doesnt love you for who you are, then you probably shouldnt be sleeping next to him anyways.

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well aesthetic is skin deep, be aware of confident and people will see you as confident. stretch results don't go away usually, sorry but tis the truth. most guys won't consideration, they'll Be looking at more then newly you physically most of the guys i know go for us girls next to real moral fibre given curves! so tell your self things that will comfort you feel confident, buy a brand new outfit one you feel confident within. and do what it takes to convince your self your charming and the most confident woman out there.

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go to this website. it will change everything if you do what it sais. stir to: www.ilovemeinc.com

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