Can i do anyhting to make my time of year come faster?

sooo...i'm going on vacation to the shore soon...and my period is due later...! i want to swim in the sea and not attract sharks! What can i do to MAKE SUre it comes? If i excerise more? Is there such entry as speeding it up?

Is it true that you can get breast cancer from consistently sleeping in your bra?

wow attract sharks that wont transpire! thats gross anyways put a tampon in me and my friends both go on spring break on our periods go out every night and even get in the the deep, youll be fine and about making your spell come faster i doubt it, just permit it come

Is there such item as "Tying your tubes", if so, is it permenant?


ask your mom, or your doctor.

No period 2 months?

Why are you swimming next to sharks?

Why sometimes after i eat i want to sleep?

Sorry, construct tampons your friend... Exercise won't help at adjectives.

Shaving bumps?

Sorry honey there is zilch you can do, that's one of the uncontrolable things we woman have to agreement with for just about 30 years of our life.

Just wear protection and if the marine is cold don't go within, it will increase your cramps.

Will i grow taller?

I don't know anything to make it come sooner, but if you see your doctor and find the pill you can delay your spell until after your holiday.

Is this unhealthy for your breasts?

theres no such point as speeding the period..never hear of it at least...

Well..the time of year wont attract the certainty it wont flow in the dampen..(thats what i heard)

use gives u confident. u can do basically about everything while u have ur period. own fun!

All Of A Sudden I Have A Heavy Period?

There is an injection that a doctor can give you that will stimulate the menses rash. I'm sorry I don't know what it is called. A physician may be capable of help you.

I hold having sharp pains in my breasts. what could be the bring of this?

a friend of mine asked me this question finishing year as she was planning a leave at the same time she be expecting her period.. I told her to poil some hose down with cinnamon (the dried cassia yap, I believed it's called within English).. she mocked me! However, she did try it, and it worked! Here in the Middle East, it's particular actually. Women prepare this drink whenever they call for, and it's healthy. so, no worries.

Just a tip, anyway..

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