Bleeding...give support to?!?

ok i have a BIG problem! i stopped getting my time regularly. and now it singular comes like once every 6 months.if that. bigger than to be exact that when it does come it stays on for up to 2 i/2 wks! And i bleed very heavily. this have been scheduled for about 3 yrs and i'm starting to carry really here's the examine: is there a such piece as a backed up length? i mean is it possible that i bleed so heavily at one time because i dont seize a regular period? and plus if near is such a thing, is nearby any suggestion to stop this from happening? i grant that i dont eat regularly and i hear that that can enjoy an effect on having a regular term.and i do plan to go to the doctor but i wanna own at least an theory of what is wrong first someone...anyone...pls help?!

This query is only for the ladies..?

you may enjoy endometriosis, fibroids or a condition called PCOS. how out-of-date are you? you having consignment gain, hair growth, any other syptoms?

you call for to get to a gynocologist asap. missed period like this are amazingly serious and can cause infertility.

Contraception query?

You're gonna need to turn to the doctor, sweetie. While irregular periods are adjectives, going several months without one indubitably isn't. You might have a condition call endometriosis. There are lots of symptoms associated with it, but not everyone experiences duplicate ones, or in one and the same combination. What you're describing is one of the classic symptoms. I'll include a link so you can do your own research, but you're going to own to get it checked out.



There are copious things that could be what is causing your issues. I have a friend with Lupus that would just get a time every once in awhile but afterwards bleed heavily and for a long time. It could be related to your eating traditions (women should have approximately 20% body tubby in directive to have regular period -- lack of period due to low body fat can organize to infertility). It could be some other hormone imbalance. Etc.

Only a doctor will be capable of ask all of the right question and do all of the right test to find out what is going on. Make an appointment ASAP.

If i dont tell my mom i started my interval wht will happen?

You really enjoy a problem. You are not bleeding so much because you are losing the blood you didn't lose last month. You are bleeding so much because something is wrong. And it's not mundane to miss so many period. Only a doctor can tell you what is your problem.
I hear something similar from a patient of mine who be taking some pills to lose weight. If you do that stop in a jiffy the pills and go to a doctor right away.
if you are a minor, your problem can be just acting but you need treatment to catch it fix. The biggest problem about explicitly the fact is affecting your dimensions of having kids latter. And that's amazingly serious.
So see a doctor this week, tomorrow won't be too soon.
Good luck.

Firming boobs by orgasm?

I doubt that you'll get a dutiful answer on this site, so don't hold your breath.

Go see a doctor ASAP.

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No, at hand isn't anything where the spell can get back up to cause irregularity. What be thought of as a back up of menstrual flow be a theory that be thought to have be the cause of endometriosis. It be a theory that dated vertebrae to the 1920s but that theory finished up getting proved wrong.

It sounds like you might enjoy a hormone imbalance going on. One of the symptoms of thyroid problems for women can be irregular bleeding, and this irregular bleeding is what take many of them to their gynecologists who later end up finding the problem.

This bleeding that you are have that continues for almost 3 weeks is called breakthrough bleeding and can achievement a lot similar to a menstrual period.

Ask your dr roughly the possibility of thyroid problems as a possible cause for this bleeding. I intellectual about the nouns between thyroid issues and irregular bleeding from my gyn on Thurs.

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Skipping 6months lacking a period is specifically not normal. Please shift to your doctor and tell them. You may call for to take birth control to regulate your time. Good luck and please please please, get it checked out!

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