What pops out from inside your body under your rib coop, looks like a globe of some sort?

I have be to the hernia dr and they said that it is not a hernia, so what in the___ is it? It hurts when it comes out and it solely does it when i strain, stretch, or tense up. i hold to wiggle around up and down for it to shift back within and then it's sore for resembling 2 or 3 days after.


I don't have nml period,but had 4 within a row. Now i'm 2 mnths late and terrifically moody. Could I be preg?

I was born near a small opening within the muscle wall of my abdomen and sometime during my nativity some fatty tissue worked it's way through the space, over the next 20 years it grew greatly slightly but became more and more tender, it looked resembling I had a ping pong globe just beneath my rib pen. the surgeon called it a 'fatty mass' but by strict medical definition it be a hernia. What field of medication exactly is a 'hernia dr' and what tests did he act to rule out the various types of hernia? perchance you should get a second evaluation...anything internal that moves and is painful should be examined.....

How to cope next to hot flushes in the summer time? Please serve!?

I'm pretty sure it's your spleen, if i'm not mistaken. You shouldn't play with it. Ask your doctor in the region of it, though.

Can't take the pill and I'm deathly afraid of getting pregnant again. What should I do?

Was it out when you go to thehernia doctor? It certainly sounds approaching a hernia, and they can come in different places. I would try again next to a doctor, especially when it is out.

Would u date me?

i have matching thing,along next to a bad cough,my dr. said its probably a rib.it is bloody.....they don't do anything for it other than grill or ice, which ever help. i do both.good luck,and i hope you surface better.

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