To those who hold had abortions, did you regret it latter on?

Would you do it again? Why or why not?

Is it true that it is wrong to wash your vagina?

I get pregnant when I was 16. I approved to keep my son. I have to totally change my life span but it is no different than if you are older and even married. things still own to change, sacrifice made, living arrangements, etc. i do not regret keeping my son. it has be hard, but have a child is hard. but so worth it. I am immediately almost 19 (ON FRIDAY!!) and my son is 20 months old. I adore him. And Im glad I kept him.

What can I do?

I own heard and read that women who do usually regret it, and sometimes never draw from over it. It is a very heart-rending thing.

Is it ok to resume taking contraceptive after my first term after having a tot?

I regret that I got myself surrounded by the situation but not doing it . You have to channel all option do whats best for you

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Yes really much so, if you or someone you know is considering it please weigh your options particularly very wisely. What might seem an inconvience presently might have become your everything.

I have one at 16 because I didnt want to be the stereotypical teen that had to drop out of arts school to raise a people. not realizing that contained by doing so I injured "it" and now hold no option of ever raise a family... so focus . alot...

Every woman has the right to choose. Just choose for the right reason and not for selfish ones.

Question for women simply?

yes i did regret it.To this day thats the one article I regret more than anything else in my Life, esspically now that I have two kids! If your having a thorny time pray! You might also consider geting a counseling session! I work at a counseling center and I know sometimes talken to someone about my regrets and prayer is the with the sole purpose way to treat ourselves! stay strong!!!

What brand of condoms works the best?

I never had one but my best friend did in the order of 3 years ago. She regrets it everyday and so does her now husband. She wouldn't do it again.
I also have a friend who just have one 2 weeks ago. She does not regret of now.

If your considering this, bear a good firm long look at what you really want.

What is the quickest way to bring a woman to orgasm?

i have an abortion when i was 20. so that be five years ago. i don't regret having it ever. i DO regret not one smart enough to know how to avoid the whole situation by wearing protection 100 percent of the time. if i never would own had it, i probably wouldn't hold finished my degree. also, the boyfriend i have at the time was mentally, vocally, and sometimes physically abusive and i am glad that i don't hold some permanent attachment to him for the rest of my duration. it is right for some people and not right for others. it's a strong choice.

When should I let my daughter shave her legs?

Having experienced this myself I can certainlly say-so that at some point you definetely have atmosphere of regret but the key is to look at the big picture. I know not adjectives women feel impossible to tell apart way but the means of access I've come to perceive it has help me see that no matter how you cut it here will be some degree of regret but it's celebrated to look at your life at that time, did you have a feeling like you made the best choice possible? In most cases the answer is yes. For those who do turn through with something close to that it's also important to own a strong support network, a councellor or a friend, it's historic to talk nearly it.
At this stage in my duration I don't think I'd do it again. Having gone through it once be quite ample if you ask me. But I know that for some it's definetely still an option. (in consideration of the situation overall).
It's strong to answer these types of questions because here is such contraversy over the issue.

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I did not own an abortion, but I did consider it. I know I would have regretted it because my son have been the biggest happiness of my life, even if getting pregnant after a 1 hours of darkness stand wasn't. I was 19, scared, and alone. But times gone by 8 years have be the best of my life because of my son. I am so glad I be strong enough to prefer to have him and not hold an abortion. I believe it would have ruined my life span.

What is the average number of tampons to use on your period?

my mom sure didn't regret it. she have had three abortions. because she doesn't want anymore kids. adjectives she wanted be me and my younger brother(he's 11, i'm 15). she doesn't care something like it either. neither would i.

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no, i learned from it, i don't regret anything, i regard it was the best discussion for me at the time i be very immature. It made me grow up faster but its my body and my choice. i just will i was smarter so i didn't own to go through that it be probably the hardest things I've ever done...this month is actually when it happen i will always remember May as that. I will other think around it, but i know it was for the best i don't tolerate regret bring me down.

Have you become old earlier your time ? If so why?

No I don't regret it, because it was the best edict to make at that moment, I be too young. The singular thing I regret be that I wasn't strong enough to read out "NO I don't want" and avoid being contained by that situation.

But I will never ever do it again.

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I don't regret it. I be 23 years old (I'll be 45 this month) and be in a shocking space to have a child. The father be an abusive monster who I escaped from beside my skin mostly in one piece, but not my mind. I was messed up from the impertinent experience and not emotionally ready to be a mother. It be a tough choice for a young woman to formulate alone, but I did it and have never regretted it. I probably would not do it again - if I get pregnant now, at my age, I'd be worried but my BF is a well brought-up and supportive partner who would be a wonderful dad, and if I could handle it physically I'd probably attempt to travel for it.

What are the benefits of taking prenatal pills when you aren't pregnant?

Yes, but I try not to dwell on it. I try to imagine what my enthusiasm would be like immediately ( how i would not have a work, or it would be hard) like I would enjoy never of met my future husband.

I would never do it again becuase I am more stable and surface I could support myself and my child. It's a very difficult subject to try and explain it's a yes and no answer.

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