Help! I am starting to teach aerobic classes contained by Spanish. Can someone give me essential jargon to use?

I am trying to find translations to the following words/phrases:

Roll your shoulders,
Keep your balance,
Hands straight above person in charge and tap one toe put money on,
March out March in,
Step touch,
Double step touch,

Here are some language to start...if anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it!

Mil gracias! ;-)

Lump on my breast?

roll your shoulders : arrolle los hombros

hold your balance : mantenga el equilibrio

hand straight above head and touch one toe back : las manos derecho encima de cabeza y utiliza una espalda de dedo

demo out march contained by : marche fuera marche en

step touch : dé un paso el toque

double step touch : toque doble de paso

i don't know how to put grapvine...but grapevine can be translated to : vid


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