A pimple close to thing on breast, brown pus come out?
Any women out there fix their libido near testosterone?
This could be a number of copious different things, but please, I urge you to see the Doctor as SOON as you can. Perhaps it's a blocked pore or a harmless cyst, but it is something you really must take looked into. Breast cancer can cause irregularities on the breast which manifest contained by rashes, swelling, lumps etc so it's big you get this checked. Be positive - it is probably something safe but you cannot take the risk of not knowing. Get to the Doc's and attain yourself checked out and you'll be able to stop worrying almost it. :)
A question give or take a few the pill?
u could just hold a cycst on ur breast.but go to the doc hun
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Likely it isn't anything but a pimple, but if you are worried get a check up.- Stretch marks go AWAY?
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