Why do females have period?

this is in no passageway an ignorant cross-question. I seriously wondered this, mostly when my girlfriend is on her period. why do females hold periods? is it true that its a punishment to woman due to what Eve from the bible times did..?

Is this odd?

Simple terms:
It is the agency females' bodies get rid of the pool liner in their uterus, that would hold nourished a infant, if she had gotten pregnant.

It is not a punishment.. it is a endowment from God, the gift of vivacity.
Basically it is a major section of the fundamental difference between men and women. We are physically different, women bleed.., somehow, magically, usually like clockwork once a month from puberty to menopause unless we are pregnant or sick.
In our society (and most western societies), menstruation has be given a bad label for hundreds if not thousands of years, regularly being the subject of strict taboo, shame and revulsion. Whereas once, menstruation be considered a powerful and healing tool for women and their communities, very soon it is pretty much kept strictly in the bathroom.

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you got it!

My periodi wanna cry!!?

that end part depends on what you believe
what they are are a moment ago.
why do they have them?

What contained by the world!?!?!?

Sweety please, It is part of life span which God nor anyone else would ever curse. Still the conversation you are attempting to have, should bear place with your mom or someone you trust.

Question urgent please answer?

First, an egg is released out of the ovaries. If the egg does not encounter beside sperm, then blood releases out and that's why girls hold periods.

I surmise

Just wondering?

I don't know about it mortal a punishment, but the eggs that come out of the ovaries have to stir somewhere and there's lone one way they can dance.

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wtf? punishment.

the bleeding serves as a sign that a woman in not pregnant... so if you hold a girlfriend and she is panicking nearly her period mortal late...economically, she has a perfect reason to madness.

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Oh come on now you don't really believe that do you?
Women, one the only 1/2 of the species competent to bear children go and get a build up of nutrient rich tissue about every 28 days or so. This build up clings to the pool liner of the uterus in charge to catch the egg as it floats down from the fallopian tubes to be fertilized. If the egg is fertilized that tissue forms into the placenta which is the fetus's energy line. Food, and nutrients are passed through the placenta to the child and throw away products are removed. If the egg is not fertilized the tissue that has built up surrounded by the uterus is of no use and it sloughs off and out through the cervix and vagina. That's why females enjoy periods. It have nothing to do beside punishment. That was and is the Church's method of keeping the female inferior and oppressed and keeping the masculine as the superior being. Just dogma no more.

Im 14 nd i really wana jump up to be at least 5'7"?

If it have anything to do with Eve afterwards athiests wouldn't have periods

How big do the girls similar to the penis to be how big please help?

I Believe it is Punishment,
but here's a article that explains Why do women menstruate?

Menstruation is a terrifically complicated process involving many different hormones, the woman's sex organs and the brain.

A woman's internal sex organs consist of two ovaries, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus (womb) and the vagina. The ovaries contain the eggs next to which the woman is born and, during each time of year, a single egg will usually ripen and mature due to the motion of hormones circulating in the bloodstream.

When the egg is mature it bursts from the ovary and drifts through the Fallopian tube down into the uterus. The facing of the uterus - the endometrium - has be thickened by the doings of hormones and made ready to receive the fertilised egg.

If the egg is fertilized and the woman become pregnant, it will fasten itself onto the endometrium. If the egg is not fertilized, however, resultant hormonal change cause the endometrium to slip away and menstruation begin.

Menstrual discharge is composed of the endometrium itself, together with a short time fresh blood caused by the breaking of amazingly fine blood vessels in the endometrium as it detaches itself from the inside of the uterus.

The amount of blood lost due to the normal monthly time of year is usually less than 80ml.

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it a sign that you hold become a woman, and able to accept children,

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Of course the myth makers will create plenty of reason for this. Many Christians will have you believe it's mean, a curse (Anyone remember Carrie? lol.)... some old Jewish tribes put women surrounded by a tent when they were on the tablecloth. But generally, these are ways of preserving the patriarchy of outmoded. Certain tribes in Africa believe that the period contained by women means women are cleaner and their bodies periodically drained of evil, departure men the need to cover their bodies next to cloth.

Medically, however, it is the periodic shedding of the vaginal inside layer in eagerness for a new egg and a fresh oppurtunity at pregnancy. You can construe of the vaginal lining as a nest for a newborn to grow in... the nest wishes refreshing every once in a while. Ovulation generally indicates the best time where to get pregnant, a fresh egg and a apposite buildup of vaginal lining for which the babe-in-arms to attach to... though you can get pregnant at any time.

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