Can i stop my extent?

I regularly take ortho-tricycle lo, i started my length three days ago and took the first three placebo pills, if i take a regular blue pill today will my length stop today and if so will i be protected?

When should I take a Pregnancy testing?

To stop a period effectively you want to be taking Monophasic Pills (same dose of hormones every month) instead of Ortho TL (a Triphasic type of pill that has different amount of hormones every week). With Ortho you will likely enjoy breakthrough bleeding and spotting the next month and NO it won't stop your extent now.
For the adjectives, if you need to stop your length cause you are going on time off, or a romantic date. The best solution is to take a Progestogen such as Noriethisterone up to a week or 10 days in the past the period that you want to postpone is due ( the before the better). This needs to be taken 3 times a hours of daylight continuously until after you return from holiday, and can then be stopped. Period usually follows just about 48 hours later.
Go and see your Gynecologist and ask her/him for warning on how to safetly stop your period.

I've done something silly?

hi sorry to read aloud it this way
get yourself to a Dr to cram the proper way of looking after yourself If you dont you are suure to capture pregnant=not a nice way within my books to stop periods

Bad time pain but no length?

no there are pills out in that for shortening your period and the investigational ones they have out with the sole purpose give you 4 per year but i.e. for athletes and professional people who run execent care of their bodys. dont mess beside nature is what i'm maxim. thre is a reason for it ,its not broken... dont fix it.

Pink menstrual cycle?

If you are interested in stopping it completely switch to Depo-Provera...most women, including myself, stop have a period adjectives together.

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