I other heard present bitrh is really painful.can anyone put in the picture me how painful is it?simply curious to know.tq.?


What if i haven't had my time of year for 2 months?

giving birth is a painful experience..but beside each woman it does swing...but one thing i hold noticed surrounded by my years of having 7 boys..that soon after the birth the headache is really not so important because you own brought something so precious into this world that you will love and cherish for a life time.not adjectives woman are the same i know..but i did forget the niggle and enjoyed my infant...but there is heaps ways the doctor now can muffle the pain of labor if it is really needed by the mother..but some believe natural childbirth is best on the child...i had 4 raw childbirth..hope this does help

Is nearby anyway to remove strech marks?

IT adjectives depends I was belatedly i was 41 weeks pregnant so they have to induce me, when i started feeling the pains which be really bad in attendance like really horrible cramps!! I get an epideral and I was fine the rest of the light of day until it was time to bequeath birth. But i had a c-section, so adjectives i can is its like really fruitless cramps!

Is it normal to lose immensity you put on inmenopause now that its finished?

Very much!

For me, the first time be the worst, but even that wasn't too bad, except that it go on for too long (21 hours). You just gain so exhausted you can't keep up next to the contractions.

I learned from that one. Don't run to the hospital too early. When your first contractions start ----walk, walk, walk. It speeds things up. If it starts to be too itchy, ask for an epidural right away. Don't try "toughing it out" because by the time you actually ask for one, it will hold forever to get the anesthesiologist free.

Hi Red, Blue?

Many doctors compare endorsement a kidney stone to giving birth. I guess it depends on how much drugs they put you on and how many complications at hand are. Did you know it's not uncommon for the tot to rip the vagina on the way out?! Sounds pretty tight to me.

But don't let strain deter you from having children. Any mother will relate you that the pain they go through birthing their child is far out weighed by the thrill that their child has given them.

Adults onlyam I usual? (sex)?

It is very sore. that said, every womans pain threshhold is different. and ther are drugs if you absolutley cannot stand the affliction.
it really is like trying to squeeze a watermelon out of the size of a lemon.
Think term pains and times it by about 1 million.
Its not the best direction but you cannot say within words how it really does feel.


How can I stop sweating similar to a freak?

Sometimes it can be painful, but it depends. Basically, the two sources of spasm are back spasms and the ratification of the "huge" baby through the little hole.

But don't tolerate that scare you..the thought of in truth giving birth to a loving son or daughter will override any fears that the mother may have.

Also, vertebrae spasms can be handled undamagingly through a shot they give at the hospital. And the distress in the vaginal hole is reduced because a "naturally" numbing sensation occur when it is stretched..trust me on this one.my wife went through adjectives this. The nurse/doctor may also elect to cut/slit part of the vaginal exit (sounds horrible) but it heals promptly and is much easier on the mother when giving birth.

Enormous pimple growing underneath the skin-HELP!?

ok since you are curious -- I will tell you --
Every pregnancy is different -- so the dull pain involved is different for everyone-- some people quality that it is the worst pain they own ever felt --for me it be very discomfited until my baby be entering the birth canal -- later it became excruciating -- but I knew it would be over soon -- so I could contract with it--

I am have very irregular period.every month it reach 1 week to 10 days to my date.what is the concern?

I won't lie to you , it is bloody. my first two boys I had the epideral shot, and afterwards I didnt feel anything until after. but near my daughter when they tried to give me one and the same shot. it didnt work, the epideral line be kinked and so I didn't get the distress med. and so I ended up have her natural anyways. my spasm go so desperate that it made my heart start to pump wrong, and then they be worried about the babies hear rate also. and put us on monitors and it feel like someone is grab all your muscles from the inside and next letting go. until finally you hold one last urge to push and seize out of that pain. next the pain go away after the child is born.
imagine what it would surface like to move about #2 and have a watermelon come out.. thats how it would quality. best way I can describe it. but the little one is much cuter and cuddlier then the watermelon.

My doctor say I have a thyroid problem, what are my option for treatment? What should I be prepared for?

Giving birth is different for every woman. Depending on your tolerance for pain. I hold seen women who own taken lamaze learned their breathing technique and had totally little pain. On the other paw I have see women go thru like peas in a pod stuff and think they requirement pain beside the first contraction. It also depends on the baby's size. Regardless of how itchy it is the blessing is wonderful and all worth every misery.

Period Problems. what could it be?!?

It is very rugged on any woman, I do know they can give you an epidural injection in your spine. The result is that you will surface nothing within your lower body. It may be that you miss out on a emotional height if you do that, so it is still up to you. Also afterwards when the pain is gone and the memory softens, you will be proud you enjoy done this the hard path. Just consider carefully.

I entail some advice on how to quit smoking short taking drugs or patches?

Have you ever have a really bad thesis cut in the webbing between your fingers? Giving birth is that times 8.

I own flab under my arms and i want it gone!!?

Imagine the markedly worst period cramps you've ever have. Now you understand the KIND of headache labor brings. Now, multiply that pain by a thousand, and dream of your uterus (where the pain is taking place) stretched up to underneath your rib pen and down to your pelvic bone.
Another way I've hear it described is that it feels as though your entire midsection is complete with concrete and still expanding to the point where on earth you feel as though you'll burst.

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