Pain in lower abdomen after OBGYN call on?

I had my twelve-monthly exam at my OBGYN on Wednesday, and my lower abdomen be aching a bit afterwards, which I only just thought might be normal. But when I woke up this morning, it seem to have gotten worse, and it have gotten more painful as the daytime has gone by - it's a bit painful to sit surrounded by certain positions and for awhile it even hurt to hoof it around.
Is this normal? Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Yes, I am sexually involved and no, the pain doesn't enjoy anything to do with have to go to the bathroom.
And none of my other OBGYN visit have ever cause this sort of pain..


What is a sex?

I enjoy had cramping after a gyno stop by and even bleeding. If it still hurts today call the doctor and articulate to the nurse there.

Whats going on? Should I see a doctor?

call your Gyn.

Why do you find back misery during your period?

it can take place due to a bruising of the area withinspection, or due to a sensitivity to the laceration result in dby a pap smear.. it should go away within three to four days and if it doesnt go subsidise and get checked

After have my uterus remove because of endometriosis and scar tissue can it verbs to spead?

it happened to me once. if they are rough on your cervix and have to remove some tissues it feels horrible. if it hurts tomorrow telephone the md right away

The last time of my period finished yesterday. is it safe for me to hold unprotected sex today?

you have no bleeding,be the OBGYN a bit rougher than normal if stomach-ache continues get on the phone to he or she and ask

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