Embaressing Question?

Im on my period right in a minute, and I have be trying to insert a tampon but I cant do it! Its so embaressing because lots of my friends say its so comfortable but I cant do it. I don't even know exactly where my vagina is. Is it similar to inbetween the 2 Flaps? I think I know where on earth my urethra is, because its like right above the flaps, but I'm still not sure. I really want to use a tampon but I hold like hurting myself, and Its so miserable using pad. I really need to cram how to use them not only because they would be more comfortable and smaller amount messy than pads, I swim competetivly every morning during the summer for swim troop, and the season is starting up soon! Please help!

If you adjectives could, please be descriptive because I really need to do this. Ive talk to mom about it, but it dosent seem to be to help because I cant find my vagina, and preserve hurting myself even though I am slightly angleing the tampon toward my lower back.

What do I do my breast are hurting & I be feeling tired but, I newly finished ovualting?

Some of these jokes a moment ago write themselves.

Birth controlis it normal?

don't transport a shower while on ur period.


i cnt do it any. just stop trying

How do i w if my hymen is broken or not on the other hand ..? i am still a virgin?

um.. dude like yea its only that there are some pad that u can use while swimming use a one peice when on it tho

Period help Please!!?

Grab the stick- dont push the tampon out on the other hand. Put it in between your maw where is your vagina- the just hole besides your bum one and gently push the tampon surrounded by. leave the string out.

Bright green?

You can find robustness related diagrams of the female anatomy online or in a book at your local library.
I am not trying to be gross when unfolding you this but you need to apprehend you body and what is where. Use your appendage and a mirror and LOOK down there. Your vagina is the with the sole purpose hole north of you anus that you can insert a finger into. The urethra is to small to insert your finger into.

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Oh dear...You necessitate to really have your mother minister to you. you may need a mirror...or you may freshly have to concord with the reality that you need to use pad..I don't let my daughter's use tampons until they are 17 years out-of-date.

What does an orgasm feel close to? And how do you know when your having one?

Yes, it's surrounded by between the "2 flaps."

To Bro, who treated this question resembling a joke: grow up!

Why do I hold diarhea the day after I do it within the back door?I'm serious, no rude answers please?

Assuming you're trying to follow the instructions on the casing, I would suggest you squat (excellent position to align all your inside plumbing, by the way) over a mirror to see what you've get down there and where on earth you're going with that tampon.

In totally rare cases, women own an imperforate hymen (no opening), but if you're getting flow into a napkin, that's not the case. In slightly smaller quantity rare cases, you may not own a big enough channel, and your doctor can fix that with a couple of snips.

My bet is you're newly missing the hole. Good luck.

My period and birth control pills?

This is going to nouns really disgusting, but in order to "find" your vagina you may necessitate to use a mirror. If you are hurting yourself trying to fit a tampon in, you should probably stop. That doesn't sound too not detrimental. Get a type of tampon made for younger people. ( I regard as they make "teen" ones)

Emmbarasing request for information?

Different ppl will tell you different ways are more comfy. Try putting one foot up on the tub. Also, don't be so concerned in the region of the right angle. Your body will only allow it one process.

If you have never have sex, be warned that inserting a tampon may rupture the hymen, and may be bleeding (a little). They are not usually recommended for use by virgins, even though I know some still use them.

The urethra is a very small "tab" of skin near just a pinhole in it to release urine. It is extremely close to the front of your body, between the labia (flaps). The vagina is an opening wayyyy further rear, near the dividing bone between your vagina & anus. You probably arent going far ample back.

mind your Ps and Qs, and hth!

I had sex today and immediately I am cramping kinda bad. Like when my cycle starts to come on, but it's not. What?

Ok, your history shows you asked this press a month ago.

If you're still having problems, you really requirement to go to the doctor and he/she will show you or sit down next to your mom and a mirror and find it.

The simple answer is it's that fairly big hole surrounded by between where you do #1 and #2. :) Actually, your urethra is much smaller so if you found that, you're better than most of us.

Virtual world websites? Example: second existence?

The first thing you should do is verbs the area in good health, and then gain a small, hand-held mirror and take a look at yourself. It is central that you get up to date with your own body. Your vagina is a somewhat larger gap, usually just below your urethra. Hold the "flaps" apart if you necessitate to, in proclaim to see the area ably. Then, when you are ready to try inserting a tampon, you'll know exactly where on earth the opening is, and not be stabbing around down near, blindly. Try getting the slender regular tampons or perhaps the teen sized ones. They own a slimmer profile and usually are a bit easier to use, starting out. The best thing to remember is to try and relax up to that time you try to insert the tampon. Being all strung-up will cause you to distraught the muscles and can result in distress and difficulty with insertion.
Don't be disconcerted. Lots of women have trouble when they first try to insert a tampon. (I be one of them.) It just take some practice.
Good luck!

Help! Reoccuring BV?

Stop trying this time around and try next time, you are too troubled and tense at this point. When you are through near your period, cart a hand mirror and examine your genitalia. You can do this by putting the mirror on the floor and squatting over it, or doesn`t matter what way you discern most comfortable. You will see exactly where you should be inserting the tampon. Also, do a survey online for images of feminine anatomy (not porn, real anatomy drawings) so you can be sure as to what you are looking at. Good luck.

I cant quality ANYTHING AT ALL from sex can anyone help?

Use a mirror, and stick the tampon within the hole where the blood is coming from.

Remember to relax, if you're tight, it won't go surrounded by as easily.

Could this be risky? Should I try it?

i think you necessitate to check the warranty on your vagina and see if its still good

Orgasm question and problems?

don't be embarassed, it comes to the best of us. the hole that you put it in is the solitary one a tampon will go surrounded by. the hole before your butt hole. put it within at an angle pointing towards your back, similar to 45 degrees or something. it is easiest to swot up by using a mirror to see what you are doing. read the instructions in the box to learn how to use the tampon. if it hurts when you purloin it out, leave it contained by longer next time. if you can get the impression it, pull it out right away. this take practice, so be patient! one girl i know used a intact box! it may hurt the first time, but you will get used to it. you should not know how to feel it when it is contained by though. try that. i hope i helped!

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