I enjoy my period, but no cramps or discomfort at adjectives?

I am 14 and am having my time of year for the second time. Neither this time nor the first time have I have any cramps or discomfort. Both times there have been a flawless amount of blood for about a week. However, after my first length, about 3 1/2 months passed earlier the second one came. Is it conventional to have no cramps at adjectives or am I just awfully lucky?


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it's normal for if u jus get urperiod that it won't come regularly. it might come after 2 to 3 months. when u first have ur extent there aren't a great deal of cramps or maybe none so don't verbs. ur lucky u don't hav cramps yet ( u don't want them lol)

Stressed (I Think)?

In the initiation, it is normal not to enjoy cramps. Be thankful you don't.

Is this my length or not?

You're lucky! For now anyways. Periods don't other come on time any. Birth control pills regulate your period.

Extended interval but very buoyant?

It's still to early to detail. I didn't have cramps or discomfort the first few times any, and was rather irregular. However, once they became regular, they become heavier and the cramping and discomfort quickly set surrounded by. Now unfortunately, I experience the dull pain and suffering every single time. There are some women though who never have a complex time. They are the lucky ones. So you could be one of those, or it could just be your body still making adjustment. But just wiait and see. Hopefully it the first of the two.

Can i still see a gyno if I'm on my length?

very lucky! Over time you may get some discomfort, or moodiness, hope not!. Make sure you find a vitamin supplement with iron surrounded by it to off set the bleeding too.

Question for the girls Going on hoilday thursday and due on.. PLZ HELP?

Be appreciative you don't have cramps! It's beyond doubt normal to not hold cramps, although it isn't very adjectives. When you first get your time of year, it's common for them to be a bit irregular, and you may go for a while until that time you have your subsequent one. If you suddenly develop really severe cramps, so bad you can't stand up and over the counter painkillers don't serve, or you bleed heavily for more than a week, talk to your doctor.

Losing consignment?

omg u r so lucky i have profusely of cramps u shouldnt be complaining its totally normal closely of my friends dont

2 months, no period, not pregnant, no signs of STD.?

lucky you <3 its fine and commonplace

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give it some time... you are in recent times beginning thats why you enjoy no cramps... i was lately like that. presently i feel as if a meadow mower is on full blast in my uterus when im on my time of year.ugh!

i hope you stay that way, but it's awfully unlikely that you will. good luck and remember midol is the answer when your cramps become to much to accept...lol

3 weeks on peoiod what do i do!!!?

I am 30 and I have no cramps or discomfort any. Perhaps you will never have cramps...profess a healthy diet and a positive relationship near your body and your period.

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Oh wow you are so lucky! My cramps are surely horrible! I get doomed to failure lower back pains, along beside lower stomach pains. You are very lucky, I hope you don't hold to experience what I have to jump through each month.

Although, the subsequent few times if you are having your time of year and you begin to go and get bad cramps/ bloating, or anything humiliated, buy Midol...that medicine help alot for pain and discomfort, I use it, and I hardly feel anything.

Can vitamin pills impose weight gain?

Well I don't know how usual it is...but count your lucky stars! You'll probably be one of those lucky women who deliver painless babies, and never wrinkle...You are a lucky lady, and in recent times be thankful!

And it will purloin several years for you period to procure on a regular cycle...Congrats to reaching womanhood!

Is it normal for my time to do this?

feel extremely happy. i requirement stretches 7 times a day and lots of painkillers.

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