Womens examine!?

why do i get constipation when my length starts?

Is it really messy when you bleed for the first time during sex?

im not sure why it happens, but i know it happen to both my mother and my sister, however for me its the other way around, i give the impression of being to go to the toilet more when im on a time of year. i asked the doctor and she said it was nil to worry in the order of and was totally conventional for women to need the toilet more, smaller number or not at all xx

Is it not detrimental for a pregnent woman to take a hip bath?

I dont know never heard this one up to that time.

What exactly do people propose by "size does matter"?

probably caused by the fluctuating hormones, (such as when youre pregnant and suffer constipation) arent we lucky?! I jump the opposite when Im on - eek!xx

Please answer my press, if you have a minute. thank u :)?

Because you are more feeling thirst during your period and so your body wants more water and take it from your food intake, i.e. your poop. Hence, you're more constipated during your period.

I lately had a CT scan. They found that I have bilateral low attenuation adnexal masses.?

If you grasp it every time, it's just the method your body works.
find a simple solution since you know it will happen.
It's not out of the ordinary, but not common.

No event what I try.I can not have an orgasm. Any more suggestions?

A couple of suggestions.

It's possible it's hormonal, although hormones across the world don't cause constipation, unless you are taking some sort of medication to treat the inequity, which could upset your system.

It could have to do near your diet. Perhaps you're eating foods you don't customarily eat - conceivably more (or less) "comfort food" than usual?

Maybe it's that you're only tying the two events together but they are in actuality unrelated? For example, you might get constipated at other times, too, but because you're have your period you're linking the two events as self related.

Then again maybe it's in recent times a coincidence?

Can u have sex when u are preg?

Usually associates switch to high carb/ large starch foods the week before. A withdrawal of fiber can cause you to draw from bloated and have a sluggish digestive tract.Also a giant consumption of dairy (cheese, yougurt, milk) can cause it too. It is alright to munch through dairy and starches but if that is adjectives you might be eating at that time, you will not be capable of go to the bathroom.

Here is a suggestion, try drinking 1 serving of metamucil beside 2 glasses of river, each morning. And eat 2servings of prunes, 2 servings unprepared vegetables, and one avocado a day too, beside your regular stuff. They will help you out, short having to nick medicine.
If you don't resembling Metamucil, take Benefiber.

How long does an average hot flash closing?

This used to happen to me adjectives the time when I had my length (also had CRAZY lower stern pain). It turns out my uterus is tilted towards my colon, causing the monthly impediment. A retroverted uterus isn't bad though.

I'm not motto that this is definitely what your problem is. It could own something to do with the low iron surrounded by your system because of the bleeding. It could be what you eat when you hold your period.

Talk to your MD going on for it. S/he may suggest a simple laxative to help beside the constipation.

Is it wrong to be disgusted in myself?

it is probaly flucktuating hormones

Do sex money of hormones in your body?

Maybe a deficit of fluids try to drink more and if that doesent work maybe you entail to take a mild laxative

I can't enjoy sex because it's too damn PAINFUL. Help me please?

My appetite used to increase just earlier a period, so possibly you're eating different foods around that time . Try fresh pineapple - that's biddable for getting the system going again. Or have cereal for your breakfast respectively day.

Girls..personal strength questionplease help!?

I receive exactly the same problem, no theory why as I've never been to the docs more or less it. I just try to guzzle a bit better just since I start like intake more fibre and drinking lots of river. I sometimes take a laxative too. This usually help me but if you are worried maybe you should bring it checked out.

What do we know about mood disorders after menopause?

Not sure if its a adjectives thing or not, but know of several who suffer with it, at that time, I suffer defectively, cause i own IBS as well, so hold wind to contend near, bloating out my belly and bowels, as well as suffering fluid retention.

It is expected due to with fluid retention next to the start of your period, some ladies retain alot of fluid, you will know if you do incentive after a few days after starting, you will find yourself having a full bladder to leave behind more often than everyday and its not cause you hold drank more the day/night before, consequently its likely fluid retention and what happen is that your body retains water and taking fluids from the stools, making them thorny, dry and difficult to pass, and can be terribly painful and regularly you can become gassy and bloated too in worse cases.

I know myself as I enjoy heavy flow some months and nearly nought others, that the months that are heavy and I inevitability to use a super plus tampon (and a night time towel), the problem is a great deal worse. i believe this is to do with the tampon narrowing the bowel and beside dry hard stools from constipation, they can't urr money shape to narrower, so get stuck above the plane of the tampon and if you suffer bad twist and bloating of the bowel that can lead to distension of the bowel, not only IBS sufferers that suffer. then it can be fairly difficuit and painful to intervene trapped wind and dried up stools and have sat surrounded by the bowel it gets mortified and more painful if you can slip away some, unless your body can release even fluid to rehydrate the stools, depends on your hormones and your own cycle.

hope it helps sorry if you find it a bit clear, as its hard to read aloud why it can happen properly in need.

Not to be gross at all but when u use lube.?

Go and see your doctor. That's what they're for ! ! !

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