Is it wrong to be disgusted in myself?

I'm going through a concrete time in my natural life right now. And finishing night I be crying, and it really disgusted me. There are so many relatives who have it worse than I do, and I do try to minister to them. I raise money for sudan, and own for katrina victims. I work at soup kitchens, and I help general public in want. I know that people hold it worse than me, yet I am still conceited adequate to cry over my problems. I know that at this age I am almost expected to care roughly no one but myself (13) but I am really really disgusting myself. is it wrong? how can I draw from over it?

3 periods surrounded by one month, what should i do?

Do you have some close friends or relations that you can talk to ? That would be really theraputic as would some kind of exercise that you close to...taking a walk, bounce roping, dancing..even if it is by yourself.

Read a suitable book !!

I find that a good cry is ok. It is amazingly cleansing and just what the Doctor ordered. Nothing wrong next to crying and...don't be disgusted with yourself !

Fibroid tumors?

Stop trying to go and get people to throw compliments to you. People who volunteer don't brag almost it. You're doing it for the wrong reason. Stop fishing for compliments you arrogant shudder. You suck and should most definitely be disgusted by yourself.

It is the second hours of daylight of my period and I have sex with my husband beside no condom, he came?

Sometimes when you do so much for others it is suitable for you to take some time for yourself, even if you are crying.
Crying is a honourable way of relieving stress.
Don't verbs about it, you're fine and eventually you will perceive better!

I just started my extent yesterday and theres bearly any blood is that normal??????

it happen, but on to sudan. Giving money is bad, it fuels the conflicts over grease and sactions over sudan by the US that are opressive and are funded by your money. other than that, its ok to cry over your problems, especially if you hold the awareness that other people hold it worse. even if they have it worse, you still own it bad, especially relative to your own duration experiences, so seriously dont beat yourself up roughly speaking it. you are a good creature for trying to have this self awareness, and its a VERY COMMENDABLE MORALITY. speak about your friends I said so, I'm proud of you.

The WEIRDEST thing on my breast?

13 is a tough age and your body is changing, hormones are rolling and adjectives this increases emotional outbursts. You incontestably are not selfish. Whatever is going on in your time needs to be address. We all step thru both good times and fruitless times and none of it lasts forever. Pray for God to be in the neighbourhood you, to lift this from you and guide you. It works!! It have helped me thru tough times. Ignore the comments from Yomama. Maybe you are doing too much. When you get too involved beside folks in trouble it can verbs you down. Take time for yourself.

I'm 17 about to be 18 surrounded by like 3 months and I still haven't get my period is that regular?

Don't be disgusted because you're crying. Crying might actually be a apt thing. Why shouldn't you relieve stress? Not adjectives of us have to put on a blissful face adjectives the time. It's certainly not wrong, basically natural. Try to focus on something satisfied. Like sweet kittens! Weeee!

Does the sleeping position has aythg to do beside small boob,should I sleep facing upward so they grow bigger?

Don't worry sweetie, everyone go through this stage in time. 13 is a hard age. Not one and only are you going through changes near your body but you're also trying to start figuring out who you are as a human being. I recommend if you have a polite close friend talking to her/him almost how you're feeling and be around associates and things that make you merry. Don't listen to that one messed up comment because you are a good individual and just save reminding yourself that.

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