Is it really messy when you bleed for the first time during sex?

like is it really obvious? is here loads of it? should u pt a towel down? and will the guy no? will it be all over him? is in attendance any way 2 'break' it yourself?

I cant use tampons and I enjoy my friends coming over for a swim todaywhat can I do?

Let's see..when you bleed during sex do you think it would ever be "tidy"? Do what you necessitate to do to feel verbs. People are different in these circumstances. it's not horrible or overly messy. Does the guy know? who know, they are so oblivious. Break it yourself..well that's newly plain silly. How old are you? You could ask your mother.

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Eww. Just do it in the shower the first time. There shouldn't be THAT much blood.

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Okay, if you have sex while a virgin, you may or may not bleed. The man will realize if he knows you are a virgin. If it hurts too doomed to failure stop. Tell the man to take his time.

Light bleeding after masturbation?

No, it's NOT horribly impossible love. Maybe just a bit, and the guys usually arent bothered by it, especially if they know you're a virgin. Some virgins don't even bleed because the hymen (cherry) may already own broken. Take care!

Is it true??

no it shouldn't be that messy.

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no theres not loads if the boy is understanding he won't mind. you could try breaking urself the patent ways or just hold sex in the shower first time.

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Not in recent times messy, dangerous. Did you know that you could hemorrhage? Have emergency contact numbers handy. And don't put a towel down. Better use a sheet of plastic.

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I've never bled when have sex unless I had my length. There probably won't be any blood.

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please dont try and breakit yourself...OUCH! you might anyways, no sweetie, its not greatly at all. consider 3-4 drops of blood in a spoon full of hose down. thats it. they probably wont notice and if they do im sure they will comprehend considering they just hit a homerun.

please use a comdom and birth control.
you dont hold to talk to your parents, you can ring up planned parenthood. they will narrate you everything you need to know and wont ask any question :)

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Eww? Whats it close to?

o.k but it just depends on the gurl but breakin yo self im not sure and yea da guy will know even if you don bleed its barefaced wen some one a virgin don trip if your gonna have sex near some one who cares in the region of you then it wont matta to them

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You want not to worry give or take a few it. Just go ahead and mother quality will take strictness of everything. By the way, you can do it yourself using your index finger if you get long nails. Or a lazor blade hosted on a two plong pliers. I am lone joking - around the index finger and the lazor.

I am 15, could i have IBS?

don't break it yourself .could inflict infection . enjoy your first time of late go slow and blood ain't doomed to failure during sex .just shower together after

Whos a virgin!::?

no it shouldnt be that bad^^
relax u'll be fine, afterwards its in recent times like have the last one or two days of ur periode again. so nil bad and technically he shouldnt discern. i dont think u can only break urself (unless u take some sex toys for women and ... u know what i propose right) i even used tampons before my first time (and not in recent times the tiny ones) and i didnt break myself (unfortunatly, hurts a bit and takes the fun away form ur first time)
polite luck
ps: maybe dont do it on white bed sheets, of late to make sure

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