First extent?

i just want to know if u hold bo, pubic hair, armpit pelt, discharge for more than 2 months, stomach pain, tired
is it possible to own your period?

email me
(it's on my profile)

Very shaky potion of positive line on pregnancy check 2 hours later.?

Yeah obviously! Those are pretty much the signs. Remember just because you enjoy all of the signs you still might not get hold of it in a few months. If this is for you after I would buy some pantyliners or pads only just to get prepared cause I have an idea that you may be getting it soon! Good luck!

Why is it only citizens who don't use 'withdrawal method' that deem it unsafe?

When I started getting discharge, my mom notice and bought me pantiliners and made me wear them at the time i was upset but really, hun its not so doomed to failure. you should do that too, it keeps your underwear verbs. Also, that doesnt mean that you are going to go and get your period. You may or may not. For me it ws similar to a year after all of that happen, maybe more?

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