This is so embarising!! girls solitary!?

This is so embarasing my cousin wants to know what the hymen piece of the vagina is!? She dosnte have her own reason on so she uses mine and i dont know what it is either but i really dont want to.Anyway she wishes to what it is, what does it mean when they influence it is broken , how does it get broken, what is it here for , and how does it help you. Now let hope she dosnt make me ask any other embarasing question, no scratch that she wont be asking any more embarasing question! lol !


What do you do when you can't find a toilet seat cover?

The 'hymen' is a wasted lining of skin that covers the vagina. The hymen doesn't necessarily enjoy a purpose, it's just a innate thing for adjectives girls. Your hymen gets broken when you hold sexual intercourse, that is why oodles people vote it hurts your first time. A hymen doesn't necessarily 'help' you surrounded by any way. Your hymen can also be broken through enthusiastic exercise, such as horse riding. It can also be broken due to injury (you'll know it's broken, becaue it'll hurt a bit.)
I hope this helped you next to anything you needed to know. x

YIKES! I have a big pimple approaching bump 'down there'?

the hymen is a tiny module of skin at the entrance of your vagina which i'm not quite sure what the purpose is, but when you enjoy sex for the first time, when the man puts his penis inside, it breaks the skin, and you may bleed a little bit but after it is broken you're not considered a virgin anymore.

Primose Oil what does it do exactly?

Think of the hymen as your cherry. They say aloud that you 'pop' your cherry the first time you have sex. It's a agency for men to know if you are a virgin or not. Once it's gone, it's gone for good. Although within are surgeries that will 'restore' it if you really need to. That's why it's so severely important for you folks to hold bad on sex until you are SURE he is the one. Once you give it up, it's forever, so be sure.

How soaring is average?

Check wikipedia

Health concerns..?

It is inside of you and I really don't understand any

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