Women only please.... Do you gain mass right before your extent?

If so how many days beforehand and how many pounds do you gain? How how long does it cart to lose it and how many lbs do you lose? Thanks.

Is it ok to hold not started?

It is completely normal for women to fluctuate anywhere from 1-5 pounds until that time their periods. Usually this "marine weight" is lost 1 week post-cycle - but remember all bodies are different. It is simply a fluctuation of dampen into the tissues. Losing this weight would best be done by moderate exercise throughout your cycle, but especially at the come to an end of it to mobilize the water and move it out of the tissues and into the intravascular space where on earth it can be shed more easily.

What is the best manner of razor?

yes!! 2-3

Questions on Birth Control?

No you only get bloated, which is retaining hose and it makes you quality more weighed down, also it can variety you appear 'fatter' it can start during PMS and continue during the period-- if it doesnt stop after your period... somethings wrong

Can a women that menstruates also be infertile?

Oh yes! I gain anywhere between 3 to 5 lbs. All markedly normal. Once my interval has finished, I usually go support down.

Weight flucuation is normal for everyone though. Up or down by 10 pounds.

What do you guys deem of this weight and plane?

Woman do tend to take on some river weight the week earlier...Not myself sure why exactally...Usually one your periord is over your at your normal consignment...Water weight make you look bloated so decrease your sodium intake...that make you hold even more water...oh yeah and usually purely a few pounds

Endometriosis - any advice?

im glad you asked this sound out!

i normally do too, but i wasnt sure if it was ordinary. About a week before i start my interval i start to notice that my stomach is a bit puffed out.

But even as soon as the 2-3rd year of my period i distinguish that its gone down, and a week after my period its completely gone.

Good luck!! =)

Why enjoy my orgasms from masturbation decreased?

u can gain mass at any time and in instruct to loose it exercise

Girls only, and I be determined GIRLS only! No this is NOT a boob sound out for u nosy guys!?

it may also own to do with the reality that some women eat different, sick foods during their period, which can do weight gain. Make sure to munch through healthy and exercise!

Low sex drive-cures?

I only just get bloated and grain like I gain a ton of weight during my cycle. Normall 2 days in the past I start getting bloated.

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