Is in that anyway i could speed up my cycle e.g. drinking curtain foods, etc.?
Answers: Nope... your cycle happen when it happens. Even if at hand was a process to speed it up, that would be terrible for your body. I'm pretty sure everyone hate tampons, but that's your best bet if you want to swim.
The best way to effect your cycle is to originate taking a form of birth control. Besides the obvious, it also affects your pms, length of menstration, and the time it arrives. Now may be too belatedly to be effected but subsequently... Drinking parsley tea could possibly make your time come faster. Check out this website:
I think it solely works for late period (after ovulation?) but you might think it's worth giving it a shot.
My friend say that every time she puts Maca in her smoothies for a few days to a week her extent ends up coming earlier. not sure how much in advance though.
You should be able to find maca within powder form or liquid form at any condition food store.
what about a mestrual cup?