Why does it hurt after I urinate?

K, I'm singular a 16 year old-fashioned girl, a sophmore, but I appear to be have problems that I thought individual populace within their middle ages & up would gain. Ever since final dark, I've be going to the bathroom & ONLY after I get done peeing, I would grasp a dull pain where on earth I suggest my bladder is. & I kno I'm not peeing blood cuz my urine comes out fine so I kno the blood is from me have my term which I'm supposed to be have around this time [I don't exactly hang on to track of my time. Just kno when its gonna start]. & I never have ANY type of sex, especially since I'm straight periphery [no drugs, no alcohol, no sex til wedding natural life vow for u adjectives that don't kno wut straight edging is] so I kno that can't be a factor. I hold no clue on whats going on & its individual be since LAST NIGHT! I've be completely fine besides a few colds here & nearby for former times 3 years & the one and only problem I ever have next to abdominal problems be when I have ovarion sist surrounded by 7th garde & appendisitis contained by 6th category. Plz facilitate me!!

My shorts are similar to this near a white stretch stuff and brown blue?

Go to the doc you may enjoy a bladder infection.

What is it?
A bladder infection is an inflammation of the urinary bladder. The inner facing of the bladder become inflamed, and the urine become full of microbes.

Who get it?
Bladder infections are more adjectives among women than men because of their shorter urethra, making it easer for germs from the anus or genital nouns to achieve the bladder. Bladder infections commonly turn out surrounded by infantile women who enjoy a moment ago become sexually helpful and own sexual intercourse habitually. In accessory, bladder infections can come to pass anytime the flow of urine is blocked or empty of the bladder is incomplete due to an enlarged prostate in men or pregnancy in women.

What cause it?
Bacteria that hold traveled up the urethra and into the bladder usually wreak bladder infections. The most adjectives germs associated next to bladder infections in women include Escherichia coli (about eighty percent of cases), Staphylococcus saprophyticus , Klebsiella, Enterobacter , and Proteus species. Risk factor include sexual intercourse, use of a diaphragm for birth control, an markedly short urethra, diabetes or chronic dehydration, the nothingness of a specific enzyme within vaginal secretion, scarce personal hygiene and pregnancy.

In males, bladder infections are habitually the result of kidney complications or prostate infections. Bladder infections in men are most potential to be cause by E. coli or another gram-negative bacterium.

What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of a bladder infection in both men and women include sensitive urination, a sudden strong desire to urinate, an increase in the frequency of urination, cloudy urine that spells bleak, and blood within the urine. Large quantity of blood within the urine may be cause by an acute bladder infection. Many patients also experience disorientation, throbbing contained by the lower backbone, nausea and vomiting and shaking chills.

How is it diagnosed?
To diagnose a bladder infection, the doctor will examine the lenient and may interview both the blood and urine. A laboratory interview of the urine will reveal if microbes is present, which usually indicates infection. The doctor may also examine the patient’s tummy and lower put a bet on to check for bladder or kidney enlargements.

Female patients may also require a pelvic nouns. Female patients near a reoccurring infection may also be given an ultrasound question paper of the kidneys and bladder to check for structural abnormality.

Losing cargo by June?

Sounds approaching you may own a urinary infection. Drink lots of cranberrry liquid and headdress should facilitate you. Boost your immune system...

help please?

if urination is bloody and in that is hurting sensation
and urine colour is dark and nearby is renal cramps
and some times one or two drops of blood contained by urine adjectives of this
indicate that you hold stone
dont verbs it is not dangerous
but you must
1- drink alot of fluid
2- avoid urine retention
3- avoid spicey food
4- worm your body well
and create urine analysis
to detect the big-hearted of saline surrounded by your urine to filch the suitable treatment you and know that you mustnot lift the tablets
if the presentage of saline is not alot

Has any one tried the contraceptive injection - any thoughts on it good/bad?

Yes to me it sounds close to you hold a urinary tract infection. Drinking lots of hose down and cranberry liquid is angelic to prevent them and once you hold one but it wont purloin it away. You call for to be see for a Dr. for anitbiotics, don't verbs they are within to assistance lots of ppl hold them. Have you ever have a pap earlier from the gyno? I know I get a urinary tract infection after my first one. You def should travel to the Dr. and don't be ashamed or worried to recount your parents a short time ago give an account them the cramp you own be have and they will win you an appt. This have nil to do next to whether you hold or have not have sex any b/c even babies can bring them! So don't be worried in the order of ppl thinking that any. I hope you perceive better

If you hold sex at thirteen??

if you experience headache when you urinate you may own a bladder infection it can be effortlessly fixed near antibiotics and plenty of dampen if detected hasty so i suggest you dance and see your dr to gain a professional belief that agency you'll know exactly what your dealing near to go and get the correct treatment as soon as possible

Sorry, another BC grill?!?!?

Chill out, hon. It's most feasible basically a urinary tract infection-a bladder infection. That's exactly when it hurts, right after you pee. I hold them adjectives the time-just lucky I guess. You haven't done anything wrong, but you do obligation to progress to the doctor and win a urinalysis-just pee in a cup, and in for a moment bit you'll probably procure your answer. If I'm right, they'll put you on antibiotics. I would insist on you to drink yogurt while you're on the antibiotic, so you won't achieve a yeast infection. If you don't know what to be precise, it's an infection you achieve surrounded by your vaginal tissues, frequently because the antibiotics execute stale the of use microbes surrounded by the nouns. Believe me, you do not want first-hand skill of this. If you attain an antibiotic, munch through some yogurt. Go to the doctor. I don't regard as it's anything serious-unless you consent to it budge, afterwards it can win serious, result in wreck to your urinary tract and kidneys.

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