Could I drop 2 dress sizes in 2 months?

Say i go on a healthy diet including exercise this summer and really stuck to it do you cogitate i could get down to a small size 10? Im in the region of a 12-14 at the moment. Would I be able to do it contained by the 2 months?


Questions for ladies only?

yes of course
kellogs give the drop a dress size in 28 days, mix that near exercise, like walking day after day, pilates, or yoga, espically aerobics..
minimize the snacks and try eat fruit and veg essentially!

Do birth control pills affect/decrease libido or sex drive?

i'd say so, if you done an hours waddle every day and didnt guzzle chocs and stuff. i'm about indistinguishable, maybe i'll endow with it a go too.


It is tremendously possible. You will need to step on a strict diet though. No cheating. Also you should exercise daily to loose the chubby (45 min of cardio at least)

Can you switch your time while on birth control?

Yes but not in a healthy course. You should make your goal more reallistic. and long term. Weight lost that quickly usualy comes back nippy, and with friends.

Is the morning after pill over the counter in north carolina?

you could ..if u work ur bad exercising doing a lotta cardio and watching what u eat...tough to achieve but not impossible

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Yes, drink an 8 once glass of mik a year and exercise

Another virginity question?

hey, sure jump for it!! just dont stop ingestion thinking that will help as this will store cooking oil. Excersize loads swimming is your best bet as this does all areas of your body. Eat smaller amounts more oftern. and lots of unprepared foods. i like carrot n houmas as a snack.. blueberries in the afternoon to dispense me energy and a appendage full of seeds a hours of daylight as thes have angelic fats contained by them which speed motabolism up!

Good Luck!!

Why have I be so hormonal lately?

Yes you could, dropping two dress sizes may only be 10 pounds (it would be for me).

You own to exercise every day and end your calories. The best way to gain rid of the weight ineradicably is to do it slowly, so your habits are changed surrounded by a way that it isn't such a shock to your system -your body won't miss the solid (and the cravings won't be as bad) and you are less probable to gain it back within the long run.

Once you start exercising you can't stop- its a lifetime commitment - once you stop the weight will come subsidise

LADIES ONLY! tampons or pads?

yes you can. newly keep a exercise routine you can do everyday.

Good luck! =]

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