Extreme stomach niggle give a hand?

right hi i have be having extreme stomach affliction ever since i had my son ( who is almost 6months)
i did acquire it seen after he be born and found out i had an infection and a small cyst afterwards the pain go away but the problem is the pain come back almost a month ago and my interval have a bit irregular near that cause so far twice i hold been 2weeks belatedly i had see the dr bout 2-3weeks ago she was no use to me she say i was fine but do u guess this sounds fine
when i woke up on tuesday morning i struggled to get out of bed result in of the pain and i couldnt stay contained by bed because am a single mother so i had to business deal with my son but when i go to pick my son up from his bed a could of screamed and burst into tears(which i almost did ) because of the painand this is not the first time i have happened i am tring to form an apt with a different dr to receive an internal examantionbut cant seem to acquire a dr for itbecause it been fully booked.
what do u deduce of this any ideas what u feel it could be

Answers:    +is it your stomache? or your uterus area?
Extreme tummy ache to where you want to die can be gallbladder attacks, but if it's lower I'd turn see an OBGYN, they are the only ones that can communicate you more about your reproductive organs than a ethnic group doc.
Try dropping the kids off at the pool. Works for me. You really ought to see a doc again.
be in motion to the doctor Take potassium bicarbonate and avoid sugar, acids, and too many proteins. Eat vegetables instead.
you may enjoy an infection,you can try a salt hose douche and eating like mad of garlic and honey g-antibiotic h-antibacterial and get rear to the doc; but if you think it is appendix,and can't walk to the doc , call ems they can theory test you for it ,don't take an ambulance though they are style expensive it doesnt have to be from ur son. i have a cyst in my stomach and the doctors be no help to me eaither till it erupted and it nearly kill me. they told me that if they would have checked my blood count theyu would own noticed that the cyst have gotten real discouraging. i was surrounded by the hospital for 14 days and i still have stomach headache all the time. only just keep going to the docter and they will nearly other say ur fine i dont see something wrong but dont permit them keep turning u away someone will find the problem dont consent to it get worse consequently it is. i hope i helped.
Doctors will recurrently reserve a few appointments for emergency visits. When you call upon, don't just give an account them that you're wanting a pelvic exam. Tell them that it's urgent that you see the doctor because you've had a cyst past and you're concerned that the cyst is larger and either have or might rupture, which is a possible cause for the severe abdominal dull pain. And if you still can't get within to see a doctor, go to an urgent precision center or ER. I don't have ample information to help you. I'm going to dispense you a link specifically to a symptom checker.
I would be concerned if you've had cysts within the past. While they are effortlessly treated, you don't want to waste time getting strange ones taken care of. They can rupture and some can be cancerous. Not something to play around near.
Also- appendicitis would present with cramp usually not localized, in the belly. There is a loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting later on. Further progression would localize, usually the lower right side of the belly. Rebound pain, (Meaning it hurts worse when urgently after it's been released, not when it's pressed) restlessness, elevated white blood cell count, bacteria surrounded by urine. Those last are found through test of course. You wouldn't know it. LOL
At any rate, you enjoy several different things that this could be. It's very crucial to get it checked out.
You are a single mom, your tot needs you. If you can't obtain into the doctor quickly adequate, consider an urgent care facility. Some doctors office will work you in sooner if nearby has be an acute episode and trip to the hospital.

Good luck! I hate these medical question, we never get to know how it turns out. The race never email me!! =(
If you have severe niggle again go to the Emergency room. They will consent to your Doctor know what they treated you for.No one should be in that much aching. They can advise you in the order of other Drs too. You could have a cyst or infection again. So be pro-active and do what it take. Drive them crazy by calling everyday. They'll give you an appt. to procure rid of you. Try it It works.Lol Good luck with that toddler. He's lucky to have you.Your a correct Mommy

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