Women or guys, it don't issue?

I am 14, and I have B-cup breasts, on the considerable end of the B-cup degree. Am I normal, bigger than majority, or smaller than normal? Serious answers just, please!

I just have lasik and everything went great, are in that any side effects down the road anyone has experience?

You nouns perfectly regular. Don't be concerned with the size of things at your age. Enjoy your teen years, and things will be basically fine...

Birth Control?

All girls are different, but they are all mundane in 1 means of access or another, be proud of who you are.

How much pain and complaints after breast implant?

Sounds normal to me.

I college, I used to chaff the women I knew by relating them I knew they be 34B's. The look on their faces would give an account my I got it right--it's probably the most adjectives size.

Take what you grow, and go next to 'em. Some of us guys like them smaller a bit than bigger! If I can find them in the dark, they're big adequate.

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