Have any of had sex i hear that the first time it hurts?


Is it okay to take the bc pill contained by the morning, then step back to sleep?

The first time I have sex it did not hurt at all.
The first time I used a tampon hurt approaching a ** - but no bleeding, and no sore for two days crap.
Make sure you are with the right guy, preferably your husb, and bring lubricant - help a lot, and following your body will be responsive enough to create your own 'lubricant'.

How much does it cost (a good guesstimate) for colon endometriosis surgery?

for men no... for women depends.

I a women is five foot four and weigh 140 pounds, is she considered heavy ?

yes ..and my bum still hurts form time to time

Just to tolerate you young girls know.?

Hell yeah it does!! Wait.

Im currently taking birt control pills,?

Men: NO

Women: YES.and some bleeding may materialize.

Pain in stomach with frequent urination.?

yes, it is going to hurt approaching He** so don't do it until your at least 16. your also going to bleed resembling a stuck pig, and need transfusions

I focus i should lose weight, what should i put away or do?

yes it hurts. unless your a boy. go practice. use a finger

Is it doomed to failure that i have not started my interval and i am 13.5?

Yeah I heard that it hurts for some women. For men I know for sure it doesnt do anything. Dont be startled though. It will get better after your first time.

My time is being really weird- is here something wrong?

It depends on whether or not you have previously broken your hymen (I expect thats how its spelled, lol). You could have fall on a boys bike or something like that and already broke it. Thats the division that hurts when it comes to sex for the first time. Yeah, you do bleed, but its not as bad as it sounds. It vary with everyone, but its not something that you are gonna own to freak out about. I can convey you that if sex for the first time is with someone you love and someone who loves you stern the pain will be miniscule compared to someone who only just wants to gain thier rocks off. That strain is gonna last for a long time.

A chocolate desert - i have need of some help? is it SAfe?>?

It doesn't really hurt, it's a short time ago uncomfortable. But, that's only just me. I had experimented next to toys and had also fooled around near the guy before we have sex, so I sort of knew what to expect as for the means of access it would feel up surrounded by there. Just relax, and clear sure he knows its your first time so that he's jammy on you.

Should i see the gyno?

yeah, the 1st time i did it hurt. but my bf is kinda.big.

Does a woman always wear a tampon?

not really, purely a little. and if you are and moving person you shouldn't hold much bleeding at all if any.

What are the symptoms to show somone is goin to start thier period?

At first is kinda hurts a little, but trust me, the niggle goes away only like that! It may bleed, it may not, some peoples bodys are different.

Grrr this make me feel so repulsive, help please!?

It adjectives depends upon the person(man) who is with you ,If he is forgiving ,it will not hurt as you have to use some lubricant to put together the entry easy and comfortable as it is the first time .Remember here is no pleasure with out cramp and no gain without stomach-ache. I am only trying to comfort you as the affliction you experience is nothing compared to pleasure derived , which is simply happiness.May you really enjoy your first (Intercourse) .Bye and God Bless you.

Please facilitate me something is happening!?

sometimes it does.
[speaking for girls]
for men, no.

but for girls, its possible.
unless you used tampons or did enthusiastic sports.
it which there is alot of bouncing undertaking.

like horseback riding.
and tampons single SOMETIMES will break the hymen.

so just produce sure the first time is with the one you love (:

hope i help!

Hello i wanna everyones opinion?

YES it does. There is something call the hymen. If you are active within sports you may have torn that past you decide to own sex but chances are it will still be near. Now if the hymen is there it will hurt resembling crazy. If not it will still hurt like crazy because near is a litttle bit spliting that occurs down within. YES you will bleed and NO dont practice with a finger because it is nought like it. You are setting yourself up for disappointment if you reckon that will help. You must skulk until you are abosultely ready and i will read out that should be at least 18 but you can and maybe should even wait longer. The SAD chunk is that your first time will be completely horrible. you will go through adjectives that pain and you wont even soak up it and if you are young the guy may not own a clue of what to do. He will enjoy it and you wont know how to walk in need pain for 2 to 3 days. You hold to make sure it is worth it when you do for the first time. When you are elder, wiser and absolutely within love. All Three

What causes a womanly to orgasm? I mean for the feminine to ejalu.?

yes. well it did for me. and it hurt the subsequent couple occasions as ably.

Irregular periods!?

Every soul is different

I'm a girl and the first time i had sex it didn't hurt at adjectives

Could I be pregnant or is this normal?

for men it doesn't hurt for women it hurts

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