Pediatrician or gyno please give a hand!?

Hello! Thank you for reading my question! I am 16 years dated and have have my period for 3 years. It is still really irregular! I also go and get really bad cramps and PMS, in the past and during my period. I also still shift to a Pediatrician . Is that weird that I still stir to a Pediatrician at my age? I am going to the doctors in a few days and I was thinking going on for asking her about birth control. Right very soon I have no intentions of have sex anytime soon, but ive heard it help for period throbbing. Can I get birth control from my Pediatrician or do I enjoy to go to the gyno? I really dont want to stir to the gyno. If I could avoid it, id really like to. So, i.e. my question.

Can I obtain birth control from my Pediatrician or do I have to jump to the gyno?

Any answer will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading!

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You can go to a pediatrician until you are 18 so that's not chance. I would ask the pediatrician. If they think you want to see a GYN then they will notify you that. You should ask her about the pill. You can carry the pill from the pediatrician. I get mine from my family circle doctor not a GYN. Lots of girls go on the pill to give a hand with irregular or heavily built periods. They usually will want to do a pap smear (which is an internal exam) formerly they put you on the pill, but ask the pediatrician. If you are young and not sexually alive they may prescribe it without doing a pelvic exam. Good luck.

What's the best sexual intercourse time?

I hold no idea but the pediatrician will know. Good luck.

Please oblige me?

Your pediatrician could prescribe bc but may not want to. It is probably time to get a gynecologist and a common practitioner

Is it normal to enjoy a period every other month?

u will be referred to gyno by paeditrican and go and get it there

Ladieshow bleeding is sex on a scale of 1 to 10?

Your Pedi can endow with you BC but you may want to consider talking to a gyno, no exam merely talk. They may know how to help find out y its so hurting.

Good Luck I hope This Helps

Oh and.[ovarian cysts]?

You need to be in motion to a gyno. They only do business with womanly problems.

I took the test?

You should see a gyn for this individual situation. You will need an internal exam. I own 14 and 15 year old daughters. They see a ped. but also a gyn. Only a gyn should desire if birth control is the way to progress.

Do u lose ur virginity because of masterbation?

It is about time for you to run to a Gynecologist. Because in adjectives honesty your symptoms sound resembling ENDOMETRIOSIS.

I Knew it well from the age of 13 to 37 (then I have a Hysterectomy). The severe pain, PMS, and I other had large bleeding and was other irregular.

Motrin or Ibuprofen will help the inflammation some.

I be on birth control for 6 months and it was fabulous within evening out the problems.

Ask your Mom to take you to and Ob. gyn. (although some ancestors keep going to their Pediatrician for a long time because they trust them) Good Luck you will want a good OB. Gyn. for closely of years.

Pinched nerve or something else?

Address this issue to your pediatrician and if he feel that you need a gyno he will refer you to one.

Period pains?

I would suggest you walk to a gyno because you are at the age that girls should be getting checked even though you aren't having sex its still a right idea to grasp checked by a gyno every year. A gyno also knows more more or less periods and the pill, so they would be capable of answer your questions more accuratly. I started going to the gyno when I be 15 and have be going ever since.

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