What is the fastest way to lose solidity for a female.....I stipulation to lose 20lbs?


Does anyone no a expensive fertility clinic-located anywhere?

First of all it is too fruitless that people deem they have to post stupid answers!
There is no rapid way or miricle cure/solution to loosing mass. You have to put away right and exercise. First check with your doctor until that time starting any diet plan
My suggestion to you would be to eat 5-6 small meal per day. You want to guzzle every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism up. Drink lots of marine. Stay away from soda and caffiene. As for exercise you need to alternate cardio and strength training In direct to maximize your results. You dont have to use unhealthy weights just adequate to provide resistance and help shape your muscles. I hope this help you and good luck!

My wife put deodorant lower than her arm now it feel swollen?

to excerise and drink slim fast lol

Please please please assist any one?

3 hours at the gym daily and chomp through fruits and veggies only

HELP! chance periods?

beer-----it is not newly for breakfast anymore

WOMEN who take Birthcontrol?

eat rabbit food and do aeorbic entertainment. for 2 - 3 months, be concetutive and stead fast roughly speaking it.

Yesterday I had this clear stringy discharge that feel almost like egg whites. My nipples are also tingly..?

Exercise and burn more calories than you consume.

I'm 12 going on 13 is 120 too big?

Its call the 7 day crack/cocaine diet... Guaranteed to work.....

Do guys resembling hour glass information more than stick thing figuers?

You still get bellie fat its sucks

Birth control/ time of year question PLZZZZZZZ Answer?


Healthy ways of?

eat meat one and only during two weeks with ginger juice and you will see

How do i maintain my period from starting when i am on birthcontrol and its the week of my spell?

Stick less food contained by your mouth, drink plenty of water and exercise.

I want to lose substance?

Healthy way - exercise, drink plenty of river, limit your servings of food every teatime, eat breakfast and lunch, but run lighter on dinner and dont eat chronological 7:00pm

No sex driveOnly 21?

don't listen beer makes you GAin weight
You own 3 choices:
Totally mess up and crash your body with diet pills but loose immensity REALLY fast
anorexia bulimia (this isn't exactly a choice more of stupidity) OR
exercise and guzzle right (BEST CHOICE)
(also that fruits and vegies thing isn't that great for you because you won't be getting nutriends you have need of. Slim fast is a rip sour too)

When u get pubic lice/crabs are u supposed to shave the quill off?

stop consumption


well the healthiest way is NOT to stop intake and start eating really forceful foods and no junk food-so don't do that but if you chomp through junk food of late cut down and eat like mad of fruit and veg and slowly cut down on junk food...but even models inevitability junk food or fatty foods because everyone requirements fat (no offence). the fastest mode is to probably do exercise-but not all at once else you could become sick or get really unpromising aches and cramps.I drink loads of junk food but i also it natural food and do alot of exercise and people other call me transparent and tell me i should be a model... powerfully good luck xxx p.s im ingestion ''after 8's'' while im typin so...

HAHAAHAHFunny non womens health related story I want to share next to you!?

ok constance if thats your pic im not being close-fisted but by your pic it looks like u involve to gain a few im not being rude but if thats u contained by that pic you look terribly skinny and your asking to lose 20 more honey if anything u involve to gain 20 more i so hope thats not u in that pic thats gross if that is you surrounded by the pic u need to see a doc impose you are dangerously lower than weight

correct luck

A lot of discharges lately?

well DON'T STOP EATING.... skipping meals slows down your matabalism... i recomend some piece calld the rice diet... you can find out about it on things approaching wikipedia or a yahoo! search.... its really simple- you put away fruits and starches and stuff and lose weight! it REALLY works! speakin from experience! you can lose up to 10 pounds in the first week. look it up and find some kinda of plan of appoved foods and stuff. virtuous luck =)

Ladies Please!?

Eat really small portions slowly and eat twice a sunshine. Dieting pills do wonders.

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