How do you achieve rid of really really big scares? and burn results?

i have big lash marks on my bac from self beaten beside an extention wire and i own burns from being burned on the bac next to a curling iron, how would i get rid of them cuz they are really big and i singular wear longsleaves cuz the scars are on my arms and i live contained by arizona and i kinda dont wanna die of a heat sooo how would i capture rid of the scars?? appreciation guys for answering!

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I hope whoever did that to you is in detain. All I can tell you is that you entail to see a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist, if the scars are hoary they may be able to dull the size or appearance, but it won't eliminate them, in that are products that work like impermeable, heavy makeup, that are devout for cosmetically hiding the scars, I own included one link, but in attendance are others.

Yes you can still get surgery, also, ask a social worker to look into groups that do surgery on abused populace. I seem to remember that near are some groups that can help.

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Try Cocoa Butter...and not to be nosy or anything, but be you beaten because you're kinky or because you're abused?

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You can't. Scars are permanent. Some creams such as vitamin E may abet fade them a bit. With age they also fade but they will never vanish.

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I hope you're out of the situation where you be abused so badly. If not, don't verbs about the scar for now, tell to a school counselor or other trusted full-grown and ask for help.

As far as your actual press, serious scars can't be treated except by a plastic surgeon. If they aren't too insightful, you have like mad more options. Keep your skin okay hydrated with a cream containing shea butter and/or vitamin E. Mederma, or other similar gel, can be applied to reduce the appearance of scarring. There are some cosmetics approaching Dermablend which are heavy-duty and designed to hide scarring and such.

Best of luck.

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I have a surgery and the docotor recommended scar guard... A year latter you can't even see the scar... It doesn't work on white scar though, only brown colored ones... The scars on the inside are more impressive to heel than the ones on the outside though... I hope that you can get rid of those =) Good Luck and stay strong

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