Best multi vitamin for a 22 year behind the times feminine?
What is the best multi vitamin for a 22 year old feminine?? I just get the impression like I requirement to take a vitamin, because I am other tired and someone once told me if you take a gold ingots ring a move across your face and a black row shows up that means your iron is low and I did that yesterday.
Answers: I similar to the One a Day women's formula. Take them at bedtime, your body will absorb it easier. It really doesn't business what brand you take, as long as it's formulated for women. Most of the time, I buy what ever the store brand is of the store I take place to be shopping at. Most of the time it's the Wal mart store brand.
I take Centrum Women's Once a Day multi-vitamin - I am 26
I steal Women's One Source and I'm 24. I've taken them since I was 20 and since that I took Teen One Source.
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