My extent hasnt stopped while im on birth control ?

i just started ortho tri cyclen and i started the first hours of daylight of my period and my length is usally over by 7 days but yet its allready be 3 days after that and it looks like its the failure of the period but not. im not sure if thats whats suppose to happn or if thats the spotttin or what and when it will run away !!

If a boy press girl boobs and touch his penis on vegena than what will happen did the girl will pregnent or no

It usually take 2-3 months for your body to become adjusted the the hormones of the pill. However, any bleeding that last for 10 or more days needs to be evaluated. If you are shifting one or more pads or tampons contained by an hour or less, you involve to see a doctor immediately as this can organize to anemia. It's very possible that a hormonal inconsistency is occurring. In this case you entail to see your doctor who will check your hormone levels via blood theory test.

Some one help!!?

then stop taking it and step see ur doctor

What kind of discharge is this?

I know where on earth you're coming from I had mine 27 days. You may enjoy to have a lower dose close to ortho evera or ortho novum. Just go put money on and tell the docs your problem and they'll probably switch you.

After pregnancy check-up.?

Give your sysytem a couple of cycles or 3 to grasp used to the new pill, afterwards if stil having bleeding pave the way back to the DR. Might enjoy to change to another one to catch regulated. Until you've been on them for at lowest possible 6 months and seem to be regular, clear sure you use another form of BC.

21, lack of sex drive. surgeries/anti- depressants a inflict?

As far as I know... you start taking BC when you are on your period... it doesn't have it in mind it's going to end it right later and there. You enjoy to let it run it's course.

I go on Depo and it was 2 months after I get on the shot until the blood stopped ( my periods concluding 4-5 days). It's different for everyone. If you are really concerned... call your doctor.

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