Help... i haven't have my periods for 5 and a partly months?

I haven't had my term for 22weeks and i know for sure im not pregnant what does this mean? whats taking place to me? and what should i do? i had this for 3months befor than it come back mid final year. Help im scared

I take Yaz birth control and forgot to rob one of the white inactive pills?

Don't be afraid..... You do want to see a doctor.

things which cause this are:

hormonal imbalance..

low thyroid

cysts on the ovaries


low body fat

too much body fat..

all of these are exceedingly treatable...

Is there any pill that you can transport for your period that does not prevent pregnancy?

go see a doc!!!

Post natal bleeding, i have a c section four weeks ago?

Get on birth control pills and it will product it more regular.

How do u stop ur periods forever?

It is extremely common for women to be irregular. There are tons reasons this could be happing. One you might not be drinking right or you have a great deal of stress right now. You should speak beside your doctor if the situation continues.

Positions when the guy is large?

You entail to see your dr about this to rule out things such as hormone imbalance and some other things.

Does anyone use Seaonale birth control? What do you like roughly it? What do you dislike about it?

Go to the doctor, it could simply be a hormonal problem or maybe you own cysts. Don't be scared, I didn't receive my period for 6 months once and next got it for similar to 4 months in a row, and it be just a hormonal problem, immediately I am fine and have have a baby surrounded by the meantime.

Trouble peeing with tampon contained by?

are you eating properly?

Unwated mane and what to do with it?

you requirement to see a docter because there are so frequent different reason for that.

Cervical Cancer?

I desire I could tell you what is wrong but I am not a doctor. All I know in the order of this kind of problem is here can many reason from thyroid problems to not having ample body fat to know how to menstruate. As soon as possible go see your doctor and find out what the problem is, at hand is probably an explanation and you will feel so much better knowing what is wrong. Good luck to you.

What make a person prefer to become a gyneacologist?

be happy

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How feeble are you? In the early years, basically after pubery, this can be normal because the body is trying to regulate its cyle, but if you're in your twenties, this could be something more that wants to be looked at. I had this evolve a few times when I had ovarian cysts which are usually minor problems, but sometimes can grow too big. Hon, my suggestion would be to see a gynecologist to fashion sure there is zilch nasty going on in the "china".

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