Post natal bleeding, i had a c slice four weeks ago?
stopped bleeding after a week then started two days then, then enjoy not stopped since, it varies contained by amount and just when i chew over it is tailing off comes stern again how long can i expect this to continue?
I can minister to you with this.. I too have a c section finishing year, same thing happen to me, I was bleeding, zilch heavy for something like 4 weeks non stop, called my gynaecologist and he told me to keep on one more week, this is pretty common and after a c passage you can get little cysts, possibly one has burst. if it go on longer than a month or is very unhealthy, you need to see your doctor.Once I spoke to my doctor and he explained I feel tons better and he said it should stop within a week and it did.
Is estrogen usually measured on routine blood test? If so, what is the "code" to look for?
that is normal. usually the bleeding last about a month or so, and it is not close to a perdiod. it will start and stop, increase in amount and then lessen.Speak to your doctor within the morning and ask for a check up to make sure everything is ok.
I would drop a call to your OB/GYN and explain your concerns. If they surface that you have a problem they will ask you to come contained by and be seen.
i have same after mine i bled for six weeks which is normal if it go longer go to GP and he or she will offer you tablets to clot blood so the bleeding will stop.