Do you judge I might b prego?

Almost 2 months ago I had unprotected sex beside somebody, 2 days before my spell was due. My extent did come 2 days late, and it be normal. I get my period contained by January also, and it seemed middle-of-the-road but wasnt as heavy as it usually is. I enjoy been reaction sick, tired and have mortal urinating alot. Do you think in attendance is a possiblity I am pregnant or do you think I am in recent times being paranoid?

Answers:    No. Its completely unlikely you are pregnant if you only have unprotected sex two months ago, days before your length and having have not only that bleed but the following month too.
Your symptoms can be related to condition, stress or just your subsequent period getting organized.
I think your newly paranoid. I think your mind is playing tricks on you.
but you WILL take pregnant if you play that game
pilfer a pregnancy test and you'll find out You could be possibly pregnant, but if you want to spawn sure I would suggest to get a pregnacy exam.
yes it is possible to be cuz i am and thats how i was Well you should other just pocket a test. but psyche say your prolly paranoid. Its verry run of the mill for a woman to skip a period especially if u are stressed. b/c it seem like you are stressing nearly being
It doesn't nouns like it, but if your worried lug a test. Urinating lots might be a UTI however the other two symptoms may be because your worried around it! Or it may all be anxiety! If your really worried a short time ago take a examination it won't hurt! your being paranoid. but help yourself to a pregnancy test newly to be on the safe side. Bit stupid have unprotected sex though.not only could you enjoy gotten pregnant you could have get an STI.
there's a good arbitrariness it's just your mind playing tricks, but if it be me, i'd go grasp a home pregnancy test. only in shield, it's good to know if you should be taking meticulousness of 2 instead of 1. you know...i'd be paranoid about drinking unless i know for sure. See a docto. Unprotected sex in this hours of daylight and age is nonsense, it open you up to venereal disease.
Stressed and obsessed near the issue - most probably the cause aft the changes surrounded by the period.
Might wanna regard as of the following:
-Possible pregnancy, even if bleeding occurs at the time of regular period, and is of lesser intensity. Take a pregnancy check and if unclear, diary an ultrasound exam - it will definitely show if here is a pregnancy or some process in he ovaries or uterus going on.
-Possibility of a urinary bladder infection that hasn't kicked within yet (frequent urination, but minus the burning sensation) - urine microbiological analysis along with an antibiogram will be needed to confirm and point out a pills as a treatment of choice.
There is no pregnacy risk but you have to call in to doctor. Because there may be probability of infection. So don't take risk 11 Your pregnancy likelihood are small but certainly a realness. It all depends on when you ovulate; most women ovulate within the middle of their cycle (around 14 days in a 28 afternoon cycle) but some women can ovulate at almost ANY time. Just because you had unprotected sex 2 days back your scheduled length does not mean you cannot be pregnant.

That person said, it can also be many other things...stress, urinary tract infection, adjectives cold, etc.

Do the safe piece, go to the store and buy a pregnancy question paper. If you are indeed pregnant you are far enough along for the testing to come out completely accurate.

Good luck!
yup paranoid. u wouldnt have ur length if you are pregnant.

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