Breast Sonograms?

Why do doctors rely so heavily on breast sonograms to dictate the next step when sonograms show smaller quantity than 30% cancers?

Sore breasts?

breast sonograms are the first diagnostic procedure to diagnose breast cancer at its hasty stages but they are not reliable. if there is a bit of unsurety in the results they ask women to go through biopsy to be sure. biopsy is a better diagnostic procedure and is more reliable

it is better to know the status of your body early to know how to prevent getting more ill and to find the suitable solution

Is it true,for a man to own a ingrowing toe nail, is more painfull than a woman have a bad extent pain?

The age of the woman will regularly play a role in which comes first: sonogram or mammogram and I've have both done in my 20s when I have some issues with my breasts.

I be 26 when I had my first mammogram and I found out from one of the hospitals here within my hometown thru their breast center that if I had taken the directive for the mammogram I got from the dr at the time to that facility, that the radiologist would enjoy made the dr redo it for a sonogram.

The plea for sonogram in younger women is because it shows their breasts better if within are issues than a mammogram will. When I went to the primary diligence physician I had at the time I took the films near me from the mammogram I had. She asked me what the envelope be and I told her. She hit the ceiling and confirmed what I found out at the other place.

Thankfully both that and the mammogram were gloomy and my issue turned out to be caused by the humane of birth control pill I was on at the time.

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