Can a doctor tell if you're not a virgin?

Ok, here's the thing...
Me & my bf own been going out for 11 months and we've started chitchat about have sex. BUT. My mom said I have to continue till marriage to do it, and she's really strict going on for anything to do with sex. I'm not gonna grasp into what she said, but let's newly say i can see her taking me to a doctor to see if I'm a virgin or not. The singular reason I'm holding rear on doing it with him is because I'm panicky my mom is gonna catch me somehow. Like, near the pill... there's constant ways to find out and stuff, and god knows she could find a opening. I know it sounds stupid but I'm really paranoid. I wanna do it so bad but I'm so panicky because my mom gets so crazy sometimes.
So my interrogate, CAN a doctor tell if you're not a virgin simply by looking at it/examining? My bf asked his doctor and he said that if they don't get your consent but your mom requests you to be examined, they can't do it cuz it's illegal or something. Is that true also? Is at hand any safe opening to do it without her

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It is considered patient confidentiality underneath the HIPAA. Age, however, may be a factor. I think if you are babyish enough (depending on the state you live in) she may know how to find out your private information, particularly if you enjoy to be treated for anything. Anyway the only valid way to report to if a person is a virgin is by whether or not your hymen is broken. In former times, that was an undemanding way to narrate because it would be broken if you had sex. Nowdays, most girls wear tampons, and a tampon will break your hymen, so nearby would be no way to share if it was broken from sex or from a tampon. A gynocologist will ask though if you are sexually involved, I would tell her the truth, but I would notify her to please keep that between you and her. You are not the simply one in that situation, gynocologists hear this considerate of stuff all the time, don't stress it!
That person said, make sure you are 100% prepared before you do it. :)

I want to catch on the pill but my mom disagrees,help!?

yes a doctor can describe
see woman have Hymen ...
and a tampon or a finger can ratify through without ripping/tearing/
but upon infiltration the penis Tears rips and destroys the hymen (that is what causes MOST woman to bleed) when loosing their virginity... ( a penis is by far wider witch will explanation the vagina to stretch)
if and when a Doctor does a exam he will be able to know if any access has go on

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Please conform your mom. Sex before wedding ceremony only lead to heartache & regrets. Your mom really does know best in this situation. And yes, drs. can notify if you are sexually active or not, especially when you extremity of pregnant or with a STD!

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A doctor can convey if your Hymen has be broken. This does not always propose that you had sex because it could hold broke riding a bicycle or horseback. Just give him a appendage job and hold out till your rather bit older and on your own.

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YES doctors can tell if u are or not BIG TIME

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A few answers above me are false, a tampon in reality can break the hymen. In fact, it is usually a tampon that "pops women's cherries". So no, doctor's cannot update, they must go by your word. Unless unsurprisingly you have an STD or are pregnant, later it's obvious to everyone. I'm honest beside my OB/GYN about human being sexually active, and she cannot share information beside anyone unless I sign a waiver allowing it.

Hope this helps :)

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yes, dc. can know if u r a virgin or not! by just hole ur legs and asking u to push and he will tell u !!

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Doctors can tell if the hymen is intact, though sometimes it tears for other reason than sex. That said, no reputable doctor would examine you to tell your mom if you be a virgin.

Parents have a approach of finding these things out. Mine found out when I was within high arts school, but it didn't really cause any problems. Obviously you hold different expectations from your mom. While I don't believe in waiting until matrimonial, your mom may have a point. I hold no idea how feeble or mature you are, and those are markedly factors.

I'm only just going to say do what you enjoy to do, but realize that mom might find out. If you can't live with that, next maybe you inevitability to avoid it for now.

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idk i 'am having sex and my mom dont know ... but adjectives i'm telling u iz if u going to do it use a condom .. be undamaging ..

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this is a tough question. The short answer is yes- a doctor could most imagined tell- but they can't tell your mother. It is illegal for a doctor to detail your parents anything without your consent. And no doctor would ever agree to do this for a paranoid mom!

Wanting to hold sex is normal! Specially if you've be with someone that long and you're committed to respectively other. Make sure you use protection- the pill may not be your best plan right now, so use condoms.

I merely got on birth control wensday and i be told after a week you are ok to not use a condom is that true

Not just by looking.
But if you get STD's or knocked up the yes.

Your mental state is different, if he know you I don't know.

When my sister and four of my cousins (same age as my sister & I). I knew when adjectives of lost theirs.

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Yes, a doctor could put in the picture. But, rethink taking that step. I got pregnant at 18 because I "Never thought it would crop up to me." I love my son dearly, but he has changed my world completely. I have to grow up so fast. Sex isn't worth it.

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