This is going to sound weird?

I love my husband dearly, but lately I haven't been wanting to enjoy sex with him. I still find him extraordinarily much appealing physically and this is frustrating him to no end. We used to own sex a lot, and only just it hasn't been as nice and so I don't want to do it. What could be causing this?


If i have unprotected anal sex and i got my extent 2 weeks after that does that mean im not pregnant?

in that could be a lot of possible answers to this. a variety of kinds of birth control can affect libido. do you enjoy kids? sometimes there are hormone change that occur after pregancy that can affect libido. breastfeeding is a definite libido-stomper. fatigue, or not feeling appropriate in other ways can murder the sex drive too, as well as some other kind of medication.

you don't say why you don't savour sex. if it is because of something your husband is doing or not doing differently, you should be honest with him. if it is because of niggle, you should see an ob/gyn. if it is just a sex drive issue, a doctor may know how to help you sort through the miscellaneous possibilities. don't be embarassed to discuss this with your doctor. you are married, your doctor know that you are having sex. so don't be afraid to ask in the region of it.

Fallopian tubes attached to the uterus?

Maybe its the same ancient rut...try different things. Maybe candles, a nighty, some music, wine you know spice it up a bit!! =)

Do You Stop Growing Once You Start Your Period?

thats common near married couples, why do you think tv shows poke fun at it so normally? When you get married, so several other things come on your mind, instead of how you're going to keep him interested and stuff. If you're married, you know for sure he's interested and committed, so you don't touch the need to enjoy sex so often to please him.

You coiuld try setting sure days, that way you still hold sex, but you get a break. Like do...every Monday, Wednesday and Friday is a sex day or something.

See if that help. If not, you can see a doctor and see why you've got a low sex drive lately

I wear a size 32 GG surrounded by bra sizes and i weigh 70 pounds?

The answer, You might just not want sex.
There's really no answer on why you dont want to.
Talk to your husband, give an account him how you are feeling.
He might know how to talk it out of you, or basically help you cope.

If you are over 40 or around 50 take home sure you're not going through mennapause(sp)
That could also cause it.

No deodorant is doing the trick what should I do?

Have him do more oral fore-play.

Can't accord with it anymore!?

i go through this too and i found that when he stopped pushing to get it and payed more attention to me contained by a sweet way my sex drive returned

Once contained by a while me and my boyfriend have sex in need a condom for about a minute .?

See a doctor. This is essential to your wedding. A shift in hormone level could do this. It could indicate something seriously wrong that has nil much to do with sex, any. But they're much better at treating this, and very much better at taking it seriously in a minute.

Tubal Ligation?

Try somthing kinky or go to a bed and breakfast
do it somewhere interesting and different!

I'm a 36 year old womanly. Over the last few days, I've experienced a burning sensation in my director. ?

I think adjectives women experience a decrease of sexual desire at some point in their relationship, its common. And in a relationship we enjoy to make the try to keep that flame burning. Sometimes trying something different sexually can be exciting, or going away for a weekend, renting a motel room, try to remember the things he used to do that really turned you on in the beginning. And sometimes ladies we enjoy to " JUST DO IT " because lets obverse it, the less recurrently you have sex the smaller number oxytocine (sexual hormone) we produce and therefore we simply loose the desire after a while and we gain used to it......but by making an effort to really achieve back into it you will stir up your body to secrete more hormones and this will increase your sexual desires....this is medical reality ! So go ahead, this is your man, please him and allow him to please you !

Is this a preganancy sign?

talk to him and convey him how you feel. explain that you necessitate forplay. there is more to it that basically oral anyway.

Will a bath take home my period cease?

Well, I definitely imagine that the lack of foreplay is segment of the problem. Who wants to other just dive right contained by? You gotta warm up some. Also, trying different positions and I don`t know some role playing might help to bring subsidise some of the excitement.
Or, if you're kinky, maybe bring another womanly into the mix...

My friend has not get periods this month.. she never have sex shes really worried.. pls can anybody help?

Don't do things like old means of access. Do things that are a little different than your regular routine. Try "fooling around" with him. Play doctor. Play dress up. Go to a movie and be for a time naughty! Go to a drive-in and be alot errant. Use your hands and his hand to bring stimulation. I love to use my hands on my wife. It drives her crazy!!

Good luck and hold fun.

I have a topical type of bra?

Try something new

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maybe you should try psychiatric help to get to anything is causing this issue. Are you especially stressed or depressed? Just as men sometimes develop issues with their libido's, women can as all right, this can be very complicated on our partners.

How do i countdown my menstrual cycle surrounded by days?

dont worry nearly it, ive been married for almost two years and our sex energy is already crap as hell... i'm just not into sex time of year i found it to be highly overrated and he's the total conflicting but there'll be some months we enjoy sex on a regular basis other times it'll be approaching twice a month it just depends. i suggest freshly concentrating on the other great parts of your marriage and not trademark sex your top priority, everything else will just fall down into place.

Cramps! I have tried EVERYTHING I can imagine of..!! Please help!!?

Why not in recent times try new things. It isnt any fun in need foreplay...maybe you should train him for that.

Does stress affect someone's menstral cycle?

Get some porn to keep watch on in the bedroom, if that doesn't support you, let him tap you anyway. He will be extra horney.

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