Blood during sexual intercourse?

I had sex near my boyfriend last hours of darkness. Suddenly, I felt a stream of blood running down my legs and he be all bloody too! I be scared to annihilation. First, I though I got my time of year - but that wasn't the case. I'm really scared out of your wits, it wasn't like "a bit of blood", my legs be all covered next to it and so was he. I know I should drop by a doctor, but I'm not scheduled until subsequent week. Has anyone had similar problems, can anyone at least possible suppose what is it about?!

Answers:    Obviously, it make sense to see a doctor. You're doing that, but not for another week. That's okay. To make you consistency better (and less freaked out) within the meantime, I suggest you try a little experiment.

Get a chalice of warm river. Then put two small drops of red food coloring in the river. Stir it. Keep adding (and counting) one drop at a time until the entire cup of water looks completely shadowy red (like blood). 6 tiny drops of food dye will make the total glass bright red!

On a smaller degree, the natural clear fluids within your vagina (especially during intercourse when you are "wet"), you probably only really lost a drop or two of actual blood. As long as you didn't verbs to bleed heavily (hemorrage) after you stopped, then I wouldn't verbs too much. The friction of sexual intercourse always make small tears on the vaginal walls, though usually not enough to bleed (thus the point why HIV is most commonly transferred through sex, even though it's blood to blood). If you are not wet adequate, or he's being too rough, this increases the friction and cause more tearing, probably enough to bleed for a while.

One of the major reason that people don't want to hold sex while a woman is on her period is because blood get all over the place. The wetness of the feminine increases, then the guy have some wetness, then the blood get spread around... you get the picture.

So, I hope I've help you calm down a bit. Obviously, still run to the doctor and get checked out to trade name sure your uterus and cervix are fine. but I think you'll be okay!
Was it your first time? Maybe he go to far, or something, but im not sure, it sounds like you have a lot of blood, but if the bleeding have stopped, just hold to wait to see what the doctors speak
if this is ur first time then yes its average. but if not after yah idk. I have problems similar to that too. Are you on birth control? Sometimes when I forget or take it belatedly I start to bleed a lot too. Also It could be that your boyfriend is incisive too hard. You should speech to your doctor.
I have similar problems but my problem is a tumor contained by my uterus and an enflamed cervix. You shoud have yourself checked out. it sounds to me approaching your Hymen (Cherry) broke, dont worry, everybodys breaks, some peoples even break during sports, but subsequent time, dont be scared, because you know what? It wont do it, end in its already gone. It sux being a girl eh?
I rem. when mine have broken, it was disg. yeah. But eh, he looked-for it...

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