HELP! my vagina area get a bad odour extremely quickly. i detest it! how can i help it carry better?


Girls. menstrual question. I call for HELP!?

In view of your previous put somebody through the mill, give up yoga.

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I need aid.?

That might be vaginosis. Contact a doctor, or me, I save lives on TV.

Have i be violated?

You need to shift to a OB/GYN and have them check you out and do test to see what is going on... It could be from a number of things...

Could he hold???

Get yourself to the gyno. Might be a yeast infection.

Is this a medical reason or not?

I saw a similar cross-examine a few days ago and a lot of the culture that answered said there could be an infection in nearby. I would suggest you go see your Doctor or Nurse as soon as possible.

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First of all anything you do DO NOT USE anything with perfume or dyes , or douche all these things can end in odor! Use Ivory soap, it doesn't have dyes or perfume in it and you'll spy the odor will dissipate also.

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You may want to check beside the dr. to make sure you don't hold any problems or infections. Make sure you always wear cotton underwear and your clothes are relatively loose so that you vagina can "breath".
People are going to suggest that you use a douche or feminine spray, but they really aren't apposite for you. They throw off the PH be a foil for of your vagina and can make problems worse afterwards before.

Period or infection?

dont munch through so much seriously... a diet witha lot of meat is not do good for this gentle of thing

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Sounds approaching you have a yeast infection. Very adjectives in women. In reality the last time I have one I just call and talked to the nurse and she have the doctor call surrounded by a prescription. Certain things you eat can mete out it. Some women are just more prone to bring back it than others. Being clean or dirty have nothing to do near this. Loose fitting clothes may help, but basically get the Rx and ask the nurse or doctor what to do to prevent a replication. Don't let this walk on without treatment it will not travel away on its own. Its usually just 7 pills and you will be fine. Lots a Luck

How long did it pocket for your cycle to get final "on track" after having a newborn?

Eat yogurt everyday- it kills germs naturally, you can also insert plain yogurt for direct relief (if its microbes related)


Whoa, you must be one smelly girl, feet and fanny!
Try buying two pack of odour eaters, put one pair of inner soles in your shoes, and use the other pack as pantie liner.

Why does women have breast and are so horny?

Hi. How is your self-hygiene? You should other douche OR you can buy products from the pharmacies which help the odour. If you still smell. I expect you should see a doctor.

Oki skipped like three of my period now..and i dont know why?

You must start beside your GP, you need an nouns, a recent smear and a high vaginal swab.

This is usually bacterial vaginosis BV, sometimes a simple course of metronidazole, an antibiotic, will fix it. Sometimes it is more stubborn. In these cases I suggest a 2 pronged approach.

1) sterilise the vagina next to a 2 week course of twice daily iodine pessaries (betadine).(Assuming no iodine allergy) This is available over the counter.

2) Immediately after this insert tampons dipped in LIVE organic yogurt once or twice a day for a few days. This is to re-establish the ordinary vaginal flora, lactobacilli, the same bug that is to say used to produce yogurt.

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wash and wear pants

Any ladies own good/bad experience with tubal ligation? What more or less changes contained by mood and body chemistry?

You may want to use K'zanah Manjakani Plus Feminine Wash with manjakani, daun sirih and aloe vera, fulfils a woman's requests for freshness and confidence, and loving care for her most intimate nouns. It is soap-free to clean mildly on the other hand effectively to preserve the pH 3.5 balance. It does not raison d`ĂȘtre irritation and discolouration unlike regular soaps and cleansers.
You'll love the long-lasting cleanliness, freshness and softness that come with K'zanah Manjakani Plus Feminine Wash.

o Protects from unpleasant odour, even during menstrual flow
o Protects from itch and discomfort
o Protects from discolouration

Another one is Feminine Cleanser beside Sireh Extract. Sireh or Piper Betel, kind of herb that have these benefits:

o Natural antiseptic properties combat infections which end in irritation, unpleasant odour and vaginal discharge
o Astringent action help to tighten and tone the vaginal walls

Or you can try Martina Martha Tilaar Rempah Cuci - A Jamu products (Javanese herbs) that are made from 100% pure herbal ingredients.

A traditional preparation used as a feminine wash. Contains fragrant herb that have antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. This external preparation also help relieve excessive white discharges and itchiness in the vagina. Recommended for use after menstruation, childbirth and sex.

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