Why is the womens closed for cleaning and mens room are embark on?


Too cagey going on for my length??

We don't give a crap.

I took a prenancy audition and it's positive, I call the doctor right away however they set my appointment for

The words 'women' and 'men' are already plural.
In order to build a plural word that does not end with the missive 's' into a possessive form we use an apostrophe ( ' ) followed by the letter 's'.

Thus it is the 'women's' room and the 'men's' room.

The women's room can be closed for cleaning while the men's room remains open because the organization who do the cleaning can only clean one room at a time.

What be you thinking?

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The women's bathroom takes longer to clean. I used to shut one down, and after move on to the other. I was a janitor, women would ask if they could come within and use it even though I was cleaning. I was a janitor, explicitly the lowest job. I told them no.

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dunno, if the women's is closed just use the mens, they tend to re undo the womens in a hurray if you go to do that, if they dont you still get to go right?

Why do Women masturbate?

Women "hover" and make a mess as a result.

They use more toilet treatise.

Women wash their hands too, (come on, you know most men dont!) and use more quality newspaper towels.

So both result in higher care! ;~)

Waxing your pubes? -?

They are considered to be hidden beauty

After have the marina coil removed, how long until my period return?

I've cleaned both women take longer

What stops gas?

What Jimmy J said.


women have more trash in bathroom than men..

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what R u chitchat bout??

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